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Thread: pregnant and inevitable i will get swine flu!!

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    , , United Kingdom.

    pregnant and inevitable i will get swine flu!!

    Hi everyone,

    I know that most people on this site are terrified of getting swine flu but i have just read the nhs direct site and seen the news and it states that pregnant women are in the "high risk" sector. I am 18 weeks pregnant and will be in my third trimester when they say it will be at its highest in oct/ nov. I am absolutly terrifed. i cant get through the day without thinking that i wont make christmas and keep picturing my own funeral and seeing me laid in a coffin. aaarrgghhh will this ever go away. i sometimes wish i wasn't pregnant which i know is awful but i am not going to enjoy any part of this pregnancy from now on. I can't sleep which can't be could for the baby. What do thye mean by "high risk" ?? does it mean more likley to get it or more likley to die?? please help i'm at my wits end and can't stop crying.

    Sal x

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2008

    Re: pregnant and inevitable i will get swine flu!!

    Hello lovely,

    I just wanted to give you my sympathies - I am 24 weeks pregnant and this is my daily nightmare - wondering if I am going to die from swine flu. It is horrible and even worse because no one can give you a straight answer about anything.

    Thinking of you
    ''I have heard there are troubles of more than one kind. Some come from ahead and some come from behind. But I've bought a big bat. I'm all ready you see. Now my troubles are going to have troubles with me''
    ~Dr Seuss~

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2003
    , , United Kingdom.

    Re: pregnant and inevitable i will get swine flu!!

    You won't die from it just because you are pregnant.

    Go and see doc if you are worried.

    We have loads of posts about swine flu on here so search them out and have a read.

    “Don't be afraid of death; be afraid of an unlived life. You don't have to live forever, you just have to live.” - Natalie Babbitt

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  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jun 2009

    Re: pregnant and inevitable i will get swine flu!!


    I'm worried about swine flu aswell but not for myself, I am worried for my 3 year old son. But then I keep thinking even if we do all get it it doesn't mean we are going to die from it. Plus I remember when I was pregnant with my son all they were going on about was how we were all going to get bird flu and we never did x

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Mar 2008

    Re: pregnant and inevitable i will get swine flu!!


    I too share thhis worry. I am 32 weeks pregnant and am terrified of getting swine flu as I work in a hospital where there are also GP's surgeries. People are not all being sensible and they are coming into the building with cold/flu, I can't think of anything else.

    However, being pregnant puts you in a high risk group because your immune system is lower. It does not mean that you are more likely to have severe symptoms or die from it. They are basing this on the fact that in previous seasonal flu outbreaks people with a lower immunity have been more susceptible to picking it up.

    Minimise your risk of catching it by thoroughly washing your hands with anti bacterial soap for at least 15 seconds and rinsing well with clean water. When you are out and about use hand gel. Avoid people who have flu, obviously, and eat a good diet with plenty of vitamins.

    I went to my surgery today as I had heard that the vaccines were going to start arriving next month. I thought that being pregnant and my job would stand me in good stead for the jab. They looked at me as if i was mad to be honest. And told me the vaccines were not ready until at least the end of the year. I left feeling slightly stupid for being concerned about my and the babies health. But I know from work that they have been absolutely inundated with calls, and it's probably proving a bit much. There is a lot of media hype around and people are becoming very scared. Try not to let this dominate your pregnancy, because even if you were to get it most people have mild illness and recover well at home. Besides being pregnant means you will also be entitle to anti viral drugs.

    As someone has said talk to your GP, but it may not help as it didn't for me.
    Andrea xx

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Feb 2005
    , , United Kingdom.

    Re: pregnant and inevitable i will get swine flu!!

    Hi, i am also pregnant, just 13 weeks and i am absolutely terrified, i keep imagining same morbid stuff as some of u girls and i have no peace from it. I have hyperemesis, so i've been very sick and vomiting and feeling pretty rubish anyway. I hate to say it but i've been wishing i wasn't pregnant though it might sound terrible, cause i feel it is basically putting me in real big danger with this flu thing. Just being pregnant is bad enough, but having hyperemesis as well, i tell u it haunts me in my dreams even...

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Mar 2009

    Re: pregnant and inevitable i will get swine flu!!

    Hiya ladies,

    I am pregnant too - only 5 weeks though - and share your concerns. I am sure though being pregnant we will be taken extra care of if need be. There is a milder version of Tamiflu in the form of an inhaler according to my Dr that he would give me if I got it.

    I am sure we will be fine (she says trying not to panic)


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