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Thread: Private Health Checks

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jul 2009

    Private Health Checks

    Well, right now I'm feeling pretty good, but I'm slightly concerned about the effects of exercise over the last couple of weeks. The doctor seems unconcerned.

    Anyway, kind of what I was hoping for when going to the GP was to get some general health checks, particularly relating to my mountain biking. i.e. a fitness check up. But I'm not getting anything like that.

    So I'm considering a private check up, e.g. like a Bupa Health Check. It's v.expensive though, but I can at least cover it through my business as I'm a self-employed contractor.

    I've read a few things about needing GP approval though. Is this the case? And how best to approach the GP about it as I'm guessing they'll be rather negative about it.

    I can see their point in part, in that the things revealed in tests can cause further worry. Just looking at Bupa's list of things they do, one if a risk of heart attack assessment, and whilst you may be okay now it may say you are at risk 10 or 20 years down the line, and that's going to cause a lot of worry!

    Anyway, I'm not really after it to pick out every little thing. Just really to check if I'm fine to be out exercising. I suppose my worry is that what if there's some underlying thing and I could collapse right in the middle of exercising. GP's answer is to not worry about things like that. Problem is the NHS approach is to work on symptoms. If you have little or none at the time, they tell you to go away.

    Dunno really. Anyone think it's worth it, or just likely to add to the worry and empty my bank account?

    I'll see how I do with some exercise this weekend anyway, and if I'm okay after that then I'll probably forget about it.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2009

    Re: Private Health Checks

    How old are you and do you have any reason to be worried?

    In general, exercise is a good thing and your body is a self regulating mechanism. IT will tell you when its had enough. And the telling is pretty hard to ignore.

    And no, I don't mean anything as catastrophic as a heart attack.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2009

    Re: Private Health Checks

    I kno what u mean though I really fancy having one of those checks, I want all my bloods done!!

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Apr 2003
    , , United Kingdom.

    Re: Private Health Checks

    I had an over 40 health check and got it free through work so no idea how much it cost.

    They did tests including:

    Full blood tests
    Hearing test
    Sight test
    Mammogram & breast examination
    Lung capacity
    Blood pressure

    The doctor discusses the blood test and ECG results with you on the day.

    Whilst it was good I am not sure it would have thrown up anything seriously wrong with me as there were no scans etc.

    That's my input anyway

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  5. #5
    Join Date
    Feb 2007
    , , United Kingdom.

    Re: Private Health Checks

    Tim jump on your mountain bike and go.

    If the doc is unconcerned then so should you be

    I had years of avoiding riding and the gym after being very active before anxiety. Now at the ripe old age of 42, I am as active (nearly) as I was in my 20's.

    If you can hit a 10 mile trail and finish it ready to go again, you're fine

    Remember the heart is a muscle too, and with exertion it gets stronger.



  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jul 2009

    Re: Private Health Checks

    Well, bike ride was fine. It usually is anyway during the ride.

    My reason for concern is the whole recent episode flared up right after a bike ride*, and since then I've found I've been light headed after exercise. I did a follow up bike ride after the initial one that set it off, and felt pretty awful after (not during though). Likewise after doing some walks.

    * - though I think the thing that really caused it was some damage to my finger which perhaps was aggravated by the bike ride and that set off my anxiety.

    p.s. I'm 36. Not too concerning, but 40 isn't so far off now (which scares me a bit! ).

    Currently, having hydrated myself well before and during the ride, I feel fairly okay after. Though I found I had to have a short lie down in the evening, which for me is unusual. I hadn't been pushing myself during the exercise though.

    Maybe it's just that I haven't fully recovered from my little 'episode'. My other concern is perhaps that episode actually involved some kind of infection. The doctors just pass it off as anxiety though without any tests.

    Oh, and yeah, was a 10 mile run . Usually do about that each time. Though it's about my limit. I wouldn't be able to head off again easily without a long rest. Though that's mountain biking. I've done longer runs up tow paths (30 miles aprox) but that's almost a once a year thing as it really does exhaust me

    I'm sure I'm needlessly worrying. I mean, I do the biking almost every week, with a typical 10 mile run. Occasional walks, and then a couple of weeks skiing each year. I don't eat too bad and weight is fine for my height. Just have the old 'bulge' around the waist .

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jul 2009

    Re: Private Health Checks

    Update: Definitely finding exercise is having a negative effect. Again, as I say, it's not during exercise, it's after.

    Was very tired last night and starting to get aches in my left arm. Woke in the morning feeling very similar and with a tense feeling and despite forcing myself to get up, I just want to sleep.

    It could be easy to say it's the normal effects of exercise on someone unused to it, but I do this stuff almost every week and until the other week when this kicked off, I've had no problem.

    Did find this though:

    Kind of sounds like my situation, although I'm sure I'm eating and hydrating right for the exercise.

    It's annoying as I enjoy the bike riding. I don't want to stop and the normal advice for anxiety is to exercise, but having this kind of effect on me is making me reluctant to do any.

    Which is why I'm interested in getting some tests. I've seen a couple of doctors now at my GP's place (though as always, never my actual doctor) and no tests are offered, only words of advice, leaflets and the suggestion of prescribing SSRIs which I'm certain are not the answer.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Feb 2007
    , , United Kingdom.

    Re: Private Health Checks

    I would agree Tim, I wouldn't go down the SSRI route unless completely necessary.

    Ask yourself this, if you go and have a full MOT and it comes back you are fine, do you think it will lift all the negative thoughts?

    If so, go for it.

    I just feel we can spend 30 years worrying about our health, letting it hold us back and then get hit by a bus lol.

    I do know where you are coming from though, I had days where I was scared to walk the stairs, thinking it would envoke a heart attack. After reading lots of self help, and some therapy, I realised my problem was always the thoughts, not the physical.

    Let us know what you decided.

    Good luck


  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jul 2009

    Re: Private Health Checks

    I'm not sure if a full MOT (with a full pass) will relieve the thoughts. I want it to, but my mind does things I just don't expect. One minute my concious mind is perfectly happy, next minute something switches and I'm feeling bad for no obvious reason.

    There's also the risk that an MOT will highlight a whole bunch of fairly irrelevant issues which would just make matters worse. So perhaps not such a good idea.

    But anyway

    Really I just want something to say I'm fine exercising, and maybe some advice on what to do to sort out the after effects.

    Maybe some kind of fitness doctor / expert perhaps?

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