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Thread: good reading suggestions (not about anxiety)

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Sep 2003
    , , United Kingdom.

    good reading suggestions (not about anxiety)

    I've been away from the notice board for a while so amy feeling a bit out of touch with what's been going on for everyone else. Against all expectations, my holiday period was quite good - well it's all relative and I wasn't feeling nearly as anxious, despairing as I usually am. But I hit rock bottom again at the beginning of the week when life returned to 'normal'. I can feel so much better when I have my parents to stay and I get on with looking after them - why can't I manage this when I'm on my own or with my husband? Anyway I'd like any suggestions for a good read - preferably humourous. No thrillers, suspense, or stories about gritty, real-life problems - I used to really enjoy the latter but can't seem to cope with anything unless it's about pleasant stuff and no life problems. Books I've enjoyed include any by Tony Hawks (particularly Round Ireland with a fridge), Bill Bryson, and Ben Elton, Harry Potter books. Also anyone know of any 'inspirational' stuff - stories which might lift your spirits and give hope, either fictional or non-fictional. Thanx for suggestions


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2003
    im at the begining of 'pride and prejudice' but ive not gone far so i dont know whats going to happen but its really good even though im not that far. id recommend it. its short chapters too so it wont take you that long to read it, even though it has 61 chapters. or wuthering heights, i saw the film of the the other day, not the original one, but it was really good anyway. so im looking forward to reading that.

    well theyre my recommendations, have fum reading, if you begin to read them.
    hugs ratchit aka rachel

  3. #3
    Join Date
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    , , United Kingdom.
    two suggestions...bridgit jones diary....and...does my bum look big in this...there similar type of book,and both a fun read,even for a fella wishes..bryan.

  4. #4
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    I have terrible trouble reading lately, I read the same line 6 or 7 times, and I think I'm sure I've read this bit. [:I]

    One of the best books I have read is "Catch Me If You Can" by Frank W Abagnale. Slightly different and more entertaining than the film with Tom Hanks and Leonardo DiCarpio (Although his story is the inspiration for the film.)

    Between the ages of 16 and 21, Mr Abagnale pretended to be a Doctor, A Pan-am Pilot, and a Lawer stealing $2.5 million, from various countries including the US. He served time in prison in France, Sweden and the United States. Catch Me If You Can, was written more than more than 23 years ago, from his perspective as a 16-year old (He's now in his 50's and I sold the movie rights in 1980). The story, was over dramatized and exaggerated, and there is a disclaimer at the front of the book, but I think it makes it all the more interesting and fun to read.

    I just can't believe some one could have the nerve to aquire a uniform, recruit girls from a local college, forge his paychecks and hop on an areoplane!

    Love and Best wishes
    Liz xxx

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Oct 2003

    I used to love anything by John Grisham - but found his last 2 books very disappointing (not read his latest yet)

    I am struggling to fins a good author at the moment and seem to be reading trashy womens books (no - not Mills and Boons but not far off it) that require no concentration but I can feel my brain seizing up as i love a good book that I can get my teeth into!!


  6. #6
    Two books (both cycling orientated, but don't let that put you off).

    Lance Armstrong - It's not about the bike (inspirational)
    Tim Moore - French Revolutions (funny)

  7. #7
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    , , United Kingdom.
    Have you tried Michael Gayle - they are funny books about thirty somethings, discovering life, love, meeting old friends etc. Also Nick Hornby and Tony Parsons. Amy Tan writes very readable books, which hinge around Chinese culture, and they are very good too.


  8. #8
    Join Date
    Oct 2003
    Read the Michael gayle books and while the are a good easy read I think I need something to get my teeth into!!!!


  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jan 2004
    , , United Kingdom.

    How about a Jamie Oliver cookbook Lucky?

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Nov 2003
    , , .
    Hi Theresa....

    You said you liked Bill Bryson and Ben Elton.. so I am thinking you like travel and humour type books. One of the best books I have ever read was "Are You Dave Gorman?" by Dave Gorman and Danny Wallace, and its a travel / humour book. It might help that I have an odd sense of humour but I thought it was a dead funny... Basicly as a result of a drunken bet in a pub Dave Gorman and Danny Wallace decide to spend 6 months travelling over 25,000 miles around the world (starting the morning after drinking) meeting complete strangers called "Dave Gorman". Its crazy, obssessional, and funny.

    Oh or you could try "Googlewhack!" by Dave Gorman (another humour / travel book), but I have only just got it, so I dunno how good it is, but if its anything like the other it would be cool. [8D]

    Perhaps these won't be to your taste though, as I am a bit crazy hehe

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