Hi Lisa/ Everyone

I am a new member this is my first post. I have been suffering chronic depression and anxiety for a long time and saw a new psychiatrist today who thinks my main problem is dependancy on Zopiclone. I have been taking 15mg nightly for six months. 7.5 before bed and then another 7.5 when I wake up in the middle of the night. I wake up in the middle of the night every single night as I seem to be desperate for more another tablet. I seem to wake myself subcontiously. Not going back to sleep is not an option for me as Im so depressed and panic striken the moment I wake.

So I put "zopiclone withdrawl" in my search engine and it led me here. I dont know how the hell I am going to get off this stuff because it gives me the only relaxation I can get but also makes me quite high sometimes and taking it is the only thing I have to look forward too. I cant substitute it with Diazepan, I suggested that but my psychiatrist said not a good idea.

Its a real catch 22 situation as my psychiatrist thinks the after effects of Zopiclone is why Im so lethargic during the day. Lisa - let me know how you get on as its good to share expereinces I guess and if anyone out there can help me Im pretty desperate to get off this stuff if it will help me get my life back.

Cheers, Joe