Hi all

I just thought I'd tell you a bit about my experiences with Zopiclone. Hoping it might help!

I've been on and off it for years! Up to 15mg a night. I, personally, have never had any major problems coming off it (having said that, as soon as I start having anxiety, I'm straight back on it, so I suppose there's a psychological dependency there)!

I've had 3 pregnancies in the last year (sadly, no babies) and as soon as I found out I was pregnant, I came off it overnight - because I knew I had to!

I'm currently back down to 7.5mg (after being on 15mg for nearly 3 months). I'm hoping to get down to 3.75mg (my maintenance dose!) but then, eventually, come off it again!

My advice would be, cut down slowly (for the psychological effects cutting down can have on you, as much as the physical side effects). In my experience, it can be done. If you worry about the dose too much, you add to your anxiety and you will not sleep! I've taken 15mg and got absolutely no sleep...yet, I've also taken nothing and slept well! I think the key to my insomnia is ME, not the medication! Yes, it helps, but the more I worry about not sleeping, you can guarantee I won't sleep!

If anyone wants to PM me, please do.

Caz xx