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Thread: Off balance and dizzy

  1. #41

    Re: Off balance and dizzy

    Hi im Dale and im 15 years old.

    I like the restof you have a dizzy feeling as if im rocking side to side on a boat and i feel off balance ir started 4 weeks ago and the doctors diagonsed me with migranes and put me on step 1 migrane treatment so i was like ok. That failed so they put me on step 2 my seveare headahches went but i was left with a dizzy feeling and off balanceness my doctor then diagnosed me with vertigo and gave me tablets but they didnt work and im set to go back again. I find it hard to sleep at night because i feel like im swaying and my head is very tight also im very consious about my heart beat. Its a bit more reassuring to know that im not the only one feeling like this but ... im still really scared i think that i havent got vertigo i think ive got something more serious but like youve all said thats just anxiety as im only 15 i find it hard to cope with this random illness and ive had 2 weeks off school allready im just a normal teenager who likes to go out with friends and stuff and i enjoy school and dont really think or worry about my exams my mum and dad are going threw a devource but that doesnt have seemed to effect me that much. Im really scared and dont know what to do can someone please write back and help me. Thank you

  2. #42

    Re: Off balance and dizzy

    Hey i have the exact same symptoms an have had them for 2 yrs now. I have had mri's an been to an ear dr they say they dont no what is wrong can you refer me to where you went an what ur final diagnosis was please i have 4 kids an this is a huge barrier for me an nobody seems to want to help me please email me with anything helpful at thank you

  3. #43

    Re: Off balance and dizzy

    irbuds i have exactly what you had to a T its been going on for 2 yrs now an none of the drs i have seen can seem to tell me whats wrong can you tell me what your final diagnosis was an if you no where i can make an appointment to see if thats what i have please. I have 4 kids an this is a huge barrier for me an nobody seems to wanna help me please email me with any info you have at thank you

  4. #44

    Re: Off balance and dizzy

    Quote Originally Posted by Jules31 View Post
    my symptoms aren't altered by any form of movement and nothing seems to make them any easier by trying deep breathing or trying to relax.

    I do work, I'm a lawyer and have no idea how I manage to get through most days. To everyone else i seem normal because I just don't tell them how I am feeling but I'm terrified on the inside.

    It's hard to describe my symptoms, sometimes when I'm standing or sitting I feel as though i'm swaying backwards and forwards. It's definately a feeling of movement within me. It also affects my legs and makes them feel weak and as though they are swaying too. Sometimes I get feelings where it feels like the inside of my head moves, it's kind of a whooshing feeling not really a full head spin. I never see objects or anything move, though sometimes I get blurred spots in my vision usually in my left eye.

    My head often feels tight around the forehead and across the top.

    The movement sensations are weird sometimes it just feels like I'm bobbing up and down in a boat or rocking. It's so hard to explain. As I've said the only thing that seems to ease it is if I've had a drink and I wouldn't have thought an ear disorder would disappear with alcohol.

    I have previously been given medication for my ears just to see if it helped at all but it didn't. I had a few days where I felt a lot better and the moving feelings went but if I'm honest I think that was because I thought I've got something wrong with my ears and stopped worrying for a couple of days. I don't know.But then it all came back even though I continued with the meds for months.

    I hadn't been on a boat or an aeroplane before it all started happening, well I had been on a ferry but it was sometimes later before I got the symptoms, too long to have made a difference I would have thought.

    Ilia, are you saying that your symptoms are from an ear disorder which is just made worse by anxiety. I'm a little bit confused. Do you really think that my symptoms could just be from anxiety.

    As I type this I don't really feel like my head is moving but it does feel very tight and I have a headache and feel vague and remote which is another common feeling I get.

    Everyone keeps telling me that my symptoms aren't of anything neurological and that neurological diseases don't manifest themselves in this way but I just find it so hard to believe for some reason

    Well that's enough about me, let me know if you want to know anything else. Thank you so much for your support.

    Hi Jules, I know you posted this quite a few years ago, but I suffer from almost exactly the same symptoms as yourself. If it's any consolation, you have eased my fears somewhat as I thought I was the only person in the world who felt like this. If you're still active it would be great to hear from you.

  5. #45

    Re: Off balance and dizzy

    [QUOTE=Alex1983;758594]Hi Jules, I know you posted this quite a few years ago, but I suffer from almost exactly the same symptoms as yourself. If it's any consolation, you have eased my fears somewhat as I thought I was the only person in the world who felt like this. If you're still active it would be great to hear from you.[/QUOTE

    Me too. I suffer the same exact symptoms and I hate it soo bad.

  6. #46

    Re: Off balance and dizzy

    I no this post is older then time . And im new to this site but if any one of
    you could give a up date on how things are going with the lightheaded/offbalance
    thing i sure would like to find out . thanks boat ride
    Last edited by boat ride; 20-09-11 at 05:25.

  7. #47

    Re: Off balance and dizzy

    Quote Originally Posted by inked View Post
    I am so glad that I found this site because I thought I was going crazy. Here is my story, please tell me what you think, I will try and not be too long winded. I have this feeling as if I am still moving when I am standing still. When I move or walk around I feel as if I am on a boat or trying to walk on a small raft on the water. I feel like I am dipping down severely from one step to the next. I feel like my movements are extreme, but I look perfectly normal, noone expects a thing. I cannot stand it. It is really bad right now and feel like I can't go on like this. I have suffered from anxiety and panic attacks, and had sinus surgery back in May 2007. I had the very same feelings prior to surgery for about 2 weeks but they went away. Now they have come back with a vengence. I have had a little nasal congestion, and my famiy is going through a crises right now. Could it be the 2 are feeding off of each other? I usually wake up in the morning and I feel fine and then it starts to hit me around 3 pm sometimes sooner. It makes no sense. I work in a hospital as a nurse and I am afraid how this is going to affect my job and my life. I can't continue to go on like this. Any advice will be appreciated. I'm not giving up, but I'm getting desperate.
    U are suffering with anxiety and panic attacks in my opinion hun!I suffer myself really bad and have just found an answer,try looking up The linden method!U will get better if you try this!Good luck xx Machaela

  8. #48
    Join Date
    Jun 2006

    Re: Off balance and dizzy

    Hi to anyone suffering with this. I had this symptom some years ago and it was thanks to support from people on this site that I got through it. When it started for around six months I had it constantly and just felt like I wanted to die, so I know how awful it feels. I got some help from several people on here who said that they had eventually stopped minding it and it had then eventually gone away. I thought that would never be me but it still gave me hope just to hear from other people with the same thing after every doctor I saw seemed to confirm my feeling that I was the only person ever to feel like that (nothing makes you feel so desperate as seeing doctor after therapist after doctor who just doesn't know what the hell to do with you!) But eventually I started to enjoy things again and to challenge the idea that feeling dizzy all the time meant I could never enjoy my life again, and I thought 'this must be what they meant', and I started to get some hope. Eventually I just stopped minding it at all, it was still there but I had genuinely lost my fear of it (something I thought I could never do). And from there it just gradually stopped happening; now I only get it occasionally when I am really tired.
    If anyone wants to PM me about it feel free, though I won't be back on here til Monday as I have an interview to prepare for tomorrow.
    Take care xx
    " you are now, you're trying your best but it's not good enough/ Facing what you fear is easy to say but even the best are still so afraid"

    "Harry tried to push the matter to the back of his mind. Unfortunately, the back of his mind was no longer the secure place it had once been."

  9. #49

    Re: Off balance and dizzy

    Finding and reading these posts has helped me a lot, thank you everyone. I am 43 yrs old and have been very healthy and injury free most of my life. I am currently feeling off center and off balance all the time. This has been very depressing and as a result, I find myself wanting to do less and less each day. I have been a very active, go getter type my whole life and I always believe the glass is half full. However, I must admit, this constant dizziness feeling is getting the best of me....I would love to have the answers to what the heck this is and how to fix it? I have been under a lot of marital and financial stress lately and my doc says i just need to takle some time off from everything. I have been trying to rest and get better but the more I rest, the more tired and depressed I get. Please help, anyone. thanks

  10. #50

    Re: Off balance and dizzy

    I too am suffering, but for 3 years real hard. But not only that, with other symptoms. I am hoping to find someone who has had similar. I have been diagnosed with Cervical dystonia, bilat carpal tunnel, sacroiliac dysfunction, VNG testing for dizzy balance issues showed mild right ear? I had the most crappy neurologist who after the test and result of the VNG sent me to vestibular rehab, but because of my neck issue it was a waste.

    I also have severe TMJ with arthritis. I am on disability, I do not want to live like this, this is torture, all of it and each compounds the other, and my family says its all just anxiety, but if they could walk a day in my shoes, try to sleep one night with the torture they would understand, but I do not wish any of this on my worst enemy. I used to have 2 jobs, I was a work aholic, now I rarely leave my house and I mean rarely, I have desire to do things in my mind, but the physical issues I suffer make anything worthless!

    I wish this was all just anxiety, I went to ER the other night with vascular spasming I could feel and hear in my ears, could not sit up even hardly, stumbled onto a stretcher in the rain, as the amublance drivers were in an if they couldnt get over whatever they argued about on the way to the emergency call, I literally thought I was dying, the ER doc was a joke, my WBC 14.5 so HIGH, all other absolute counts were all elevated except the lympocytes oddly. The ER doc finally agreed to a CT scan ( but not with contrast! ) just the regular lame CT scan, I am in medical field, or WAS, so I know. I don't even have the will power or physical will power really to go to Doctor upon doctor seeking a diagnosis, ( as if I don;t have enough already ) but individually with my current diagnosis it to me does not explain all of it, I just feel like its more then that.....meaning what I am already diagnosed with, and as you can imagine the compounded symptoms with some same as others, seem more confusing, I should be able to deal with each of these, but it does not explain the balance issues I feel........

    I have no balance in DARK, when taking a shower its the worst, any head or neck, or eye movement its much worse, standing STILL is much worse then walking, I do not have the bouncy floaty feeling others describe, mine is a feeling as if my body is swaying and it is !!! I stumble into things, reaching my arms out makes it worse, talking makes it worse, I do not have dizzy feeling when bending over forward, only sideways, in fact I feel best totally bent over, except my dang back and HIPS! Who could walk around bent over all day...........I know this sounds crazy, but it feels worse then crazy, I don't know if anxiety over all adds to it, but lately I can not find normal words, my memory is shot, I have even started to stutter a bit and when I go to say something, I have to THINK first, then say it! I have never been like that.....has anyone ever felt this like I describe with ANXIETY.....oh, my ears ring so loud at times, and always always a faint ringing like florescant light, but it will change to high pitch, suction feeling in ears, wooshing sometimes.........I have 10 symptoms or more any given time of the day or night..............sleeping is a joke, and laying down makes neck spasms and jaw spasms worse, so I never get sleep unless I pass out and then I wake up so many times, by morning, I am so stiff, my entire spine neck and jaws, I stumble to my computer and search for a cure !

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