GPs are fully p[ermitted to prescribe any kind of medication they feel appropriate Pammy, its not always right it seems but thats jsut the way the health system works at the mo, I think its because it often takes so long to see a mental health specialist and they cant really allow patients to continue to suffer whilst on the waiting list. By the same token A GP can't tell how somone will react to a medicine and whilst I have heard of people reacting like this to mirtazipine before, not everyone does and many people find it very effective.

Smudger, you gotta take it back to your doctor hun, I think mirtazipine made me a bit like this whilst I was on it and have since changed to citalopram which has worked much better for me. It sounds like it making your situation worse than better, its not that its a bad medicine, jsut the wrong one for you perhaps. Talk to the doctor and make sure they listen to your concerns, as it is important if this is starting to affecdt your life in such a way.

Hope this helps,
