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Thread: angry/irritated/mirtazapine 15mg

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2009

    angry/irritated/mirtazapine 15mg

    17 days ago my doctor changed me from 40mg citalopram to 15mg mitazapine because I was having prolonged bouts of depression again (Ive suffered for 20ish years).I have turned from a really patient reasoned mum/wife into a psychotic crazy mum/wife. I am so irritable n angry (not as depressed though but I cry when angry). I just cant let anything lie. I argue over the slightest most futile thing. EG. I bent down to pick litter off the kitchen floor which I accidentally dropped n banged my back on the breakfast bar as I came up. My reaction? I punched the breakfast bar n shouted at it "you stupid thing" over n over again whilst crying. I really wanted to lay into it! If people get in my way I want to scream. If I drop something I scream, if my lovely daughter cheeks me or doesnt do as I ask immediately I scream in anger at her and I just go on n on at her n have to apologise once Ive calmed down, at the supermarket checkout I couldnt load my trolley as quick as the checkout lady was putting them through the till the other day, I was shaking with anger n was very tearful. I wanted to smack her!I hasten to add I didnt! My husband used my green chopping board to cut meat today and he knows thats for veg only so we dont get salmonella. My reaction? I flipped my lid calling him stupid and saying he didnt care about our health n then I threw a perfectly good chopping board in the bin! I cud have just put it in the dishwasher to kill any germs but I just flipped! I ranted on for ages about it!~ Im usually very patient n calm, this is so not me n I hate it. Its strange how I hit inanimate objects but I can stop myself when it comes to people thank goodness!~i feel like an imposter has taken over me!Will this go away and when please?Dont know how long my family n I can put up with this constant boiling kettle!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2009

    Re: angry/irritated/mirtazapine 15mg

    I don't know anything about that medication but I really feel for you. I can only assume it's side effects, but it seems so unreasonable that it makes you feel like that. I know they say meds can make you feel worse before you feel better but I'd only tolerate that feeling for so long. Maybe you need to reduce the dose. I'd ask your gp. Feeling angry all the time is rotten, especially if you are the entire opposite normally. I really hope you feel better soon. Sorry I can't be of more help.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Oct 2009

    Re: angry/irritated/mirtazapine 15mg

    hi hon...
    i really hope you start feeling better soon!!!! i would get in touch with your g.p. it maybe that these meds need some time to help you or maybe they just dont suit you... i am just recovering after a really bad period and whilst you are going through it, it can be really hard to see the light at the end of the tunnel.... but you will get through this.. i am feeling a little better as the weeks go by... and you will too i am sure..
    can i also mention that a few weeks ago i was really impatient and finding it hard to cope with every day tasks. after discussing this with my dr he reccomended a period of rest.. is there any way you could do the same. i know its hard with kids, ive got one. give yourself a break and only do the neccesary. its hard i know but try to relax. give yourself time to recover.

    i hope this helps. take care.

    andrea x x

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jul 2009

    Re: angry/irritated/mirtazapine 15mg

    smudger curious to know who prescribed those meds to you .........mertazapinethey should only be prescribed by a mental health consultant........not a GP .... my mental health clinic told me this.......take care

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Sep 2009

    Re: angry/irritated/mirtazapine 15mg

    GPs are fully p[ermitted to prescribe any kind of medication they feel appropriate Pammy, its not always right it seems but thats jsut the way the health system works at the mo, I think its because it often takes so long to see a mental health specialist and they cant really allow patients to continue to suffer whilst on the waiting list. By the same token A GP can't tell how somone will react to a medicine and whilst I have heard of people reacting like this to mirtazipine before, not everyone does and many people find it very effective.

    Smudger, you gotta take it back to your doctor hun, I think mirtazipine made me a bit like this whilst I was on it and have since changed to citalopram which has worked much better for me. It sounds like it making your situation worse than better, its not that its a bad medicine, jsut the wrong one for you perhaps. Talk to the doctor and make sure they listen to your concerns, as it is important if this is starting to affecdt your life in such a way.

    Hope this helps,

    Every day is a new battle, you can either fight on, or put up your hands and admit defeat.

  6. #6
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    Dec 2009

    Re: angry/irritated/mirtazapine 15mg

    Thanks everybody for your advice. Pammy, I am having cognitive therapy (which makes me feel worse) at the moment and it was the doctor at that clinic, not my GP who prescribed mertazapine. Dan, I am seeing the mental health (Gosh I hate the words mental health) doctor again after the new year so I will persevere til then. The thought of trying another different kind of drug fills me with dread but if I have to I will. I have an easier life than most Andrea as I am a housewife so any stress I have is created by me! Im good at creating stress! I do have the opportunity to take it easy as you recommended so I will take your advice on board!Sounds a really good idea.#again, thanks for your help.xx

  7. #7
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    Jul 2009

    Re: angry/irritated/mirtazapine 15mg

    hi again ........i understand what you mean by 'mental' health and its stigma , but i look on it as 'brain' health as against 'body' health ( if you know what i mean . I hope you find a med that suits you xx

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jul 2008

    Re: angry/irritated/mirtazapine 15mg

    Omg Smudger you sound just like me! I have a fearsome temper and swear like a trooper at the slightest little thing! At this rate I'm going to be husbandless It can be over the slightest little thing too. I threatened to jump out of the car if he took me anywhere near the sales. I'm quite sure at that moment I would do it. I never used to be like this. I'm on mirtazapine too but I dont think that it is that. Depression and anxiety can make us like this. If you have been repressing your emotions and are now having CBT then it is rather like a pressure cooker. That anger and pent up frustration has to go somewhere. My problems I think are menopausal and hormonal. I'm not going to suggest that you walk in the woods or listen to music. I do find that exercise helps me. At least it tires me out!!!

  9. #9
    KK77's Avatar
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    Re: angry/irritated/mirtazapine 15mg

    I still think that switching you from 40mg of citalopram to 15mg mirtazapine without tapering/cross-tapering was a bad idea, and that some of your problems are being caused by withdrawal effects from citalopram.

    I've read many people complain of anger on mirtazapine - especially when switched from an SSRI.

    I would go back to your GP if you continue to feel like this because maybe mirtazapine isn't right for you Smudger.

    Never Surrender, Comrade

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Dec 2009

    Smile Re: angry/irritated/mirtazapine 15mg

    Pam. Im gonna call it brain health from now on.Clever idea!Sounds so much more positive. Elizabeth, I hope we never meet, we may kill each other!!!!!Thanks though, it helps to know somebody else is like me on this drug.Im not mad afterall, its the drug!I will speak to the doc about it though coz I honestly cant imagine always being like this.I couldnt bear it let alone my family!Mel its really useful to know this side effect is a common withdrawal from SSRI's.Doctors dont tell you that!In fact they dont tell you anything. Im so glad Ive joined this forum. Ive actually had my best day in 18 days 2day. I woke with NO bags under my eyes n I smiled at my daughter. Have I turned a corner? If there is a God out there then let this be the case...mind you if there is then we wouldnt be in this bloomin mess wud we? I wish you all better days n if not the best, in the very least, better than the day before!Thanks guys.xx

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