Just thought I would share this small victory with everyone, as i'm very proud of myself. For the past couple of months I havent liked to go further than my local shop alone, but today I had to go to the doctors. Usually my mum would drive me but she was at work, and I absolutely had to go today. Couldn't change it. So I just thought 'Fine, I'll just go'. Pulled on my shoes, coat, scarf and gloves, grabbed my bag and went. I thought I'd get the bus, even though I've been a bit iffy on public transport recently, but as I reached the busstop I realised I'd forgotten my Oyster card. So I walked. All the way. It took me around 30 mins at least. I thought I'd just pay to get the bus back, but then decided if I made it all the way here than I can make it back. And I walked all the way home. On my own, without having a panic attack, or freaking out in anyway. At least another 30 mins.