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Thread: New from Lincolnshire UK

  1. #1

    New from Lincolnshire UK

    Hi, I have found this site...thankfully...via Anxiety Today on FB.
    My story...I have suffered on a off from depression since 1995. I have been able to manage it by taking the right meds and councelling and it I have usually managed to get it under control and lead a normal productive life. That was until last Novemeber...I suffered from a flu virus which apparently developed into a post-viral syndrome. During this time I experienced feeling I had never had before. I have since found out I was having panic attacks, having never had one before (or so I thought) I didn't know what on Earth was happening to me. I thought I was genuingly going insane. I was seen by the Crisis Team at the hospital who explained my state was due to anxiety and I was put on Citalopram. Unfortunately these turned me into an insomniac and so did the Fluoxatine that I was later put on. During this time I was given Lorazapam to help me cope with the worst moments which worked some of the time but obviously I couldn't take them for very long. I am now on 45mg of Mirtazipine and have been for about 5 weeks. I have had 2 months off work and my studies; depression I have had in the past has never caused me to have time off anything. After reading so much, I think have all the traits of someone who could suffer from anxiety; I have had problems with producing too much adrenalin in the past and I am generally a worrier and strive for perfection. I can honestly say though, up to getting the viral infection, I believe I was perfectly happy. Now, I really just feel as though I am simply concentrating on getting through each day. I cannot turn my mind off at all. I have tried so many, meditation, self help books, prayer, you name it I have tried it. My doctor said I should stop trying so hard to will myself better, but I just want to feel human again and enjoy life. I am glad I have found this site as the information I have read so far has been like a revelation.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2003
    , , United Kingdom.
    Hi zowiebowie

    We just wanted to welcome you aboard to NMP. We hope you enjoy your stay here and get all the support and advice you need.

    Please take some time to read the website articles on the left as well for loads of advice and tips.

    “Don't be afraid of death; be afraid of an unlived life. You don't have to live forever, you just have to live.” - Natalie Babbitt

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  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 2010

    Re: New from Lincolnshire UK

    I have been suffering from depression and anxiety for just over two months now, i have been on this Excellent site for just over a week now and have met some great people who suffer from the same feelings as me, it's great to be able to talk openly to people. I too am from Lincolnshire and live in Lincoln.
    Best Regards Wayne,

  4. #4

    Re: New from Lincolnshire UK

    I to have only just joined this website. My story is very close to yours. Mine to was caused by another illness. So i know how you feel about being 'normal' Ive had it for 2 years now, and havnt worked for 2 years being signed of sick. It does feel like the world will never be the same again, but im hoping it will be. Can i ask what problems you had with Fluoxtine, i am on them at the moment, after being taken of Citelapram
    Kym x

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Oct 2007

    Re: New from Lincolnshire UK

    Hi Zowie I also come from lincolnshire, youve come to the right place for help and support, you'll get loads of advice here, and hopefully make some friends along the way, hope to see you in chat sometime

    take care Emms xxx

    The Sticky Kitchen on facebook!

  6. #6

    Re: New from Lincolnshire UK

    hi there i just found this site too, i have suffered with depression for years to but thought i was in control until i had severe flu in feb since then i feel i have fallen apart im panicking and scared all the time, im too from lincoln, i recently moved up in and coz of how im feeling im struggling to make any friends, so glad i found this site and i kinda felt relieved reading your story as is it similar to mine, would love to chat sometime, sal x

  7. #7

    Re: New from Lincolnshire UK

    My goodness, I am amazed to have found other people who have suffered anxiety as a result of a physical symptom. I really beleived at one point that it was on me it was happening to; a classic sign of anxiety I think?! It is incredible really that an illness can send someone this way. I have been fortunate that me mum has opened herself up to be more understanding than she has done in the past with my depression. She thought you could simply keep your chin up and think positive thoughts; if only it were that easy. When I told her that it had stopped me menstruating, she really started to listen. Has that happened to anyone esle? A therapist explained it is my body trying to protect me by telling me I cannot cope with menstruating...incredible!
    I am glad of all your replies and it is nice to see people pn here close by, I look forward to being able to join the chat room in a couple of days.
    @KYM 888: I had to come off Fluoxotine because it kept me completely awake like Citalopram, it made me a total insomniac. I was suprised as I have taken it in the past and don't recall any problems. In fact I wish it had worked for me as it had done in the past because I do remember it making me better. I am now on Mirtazipine which seems to work completely differently. I almost just don't know how I feel. I am not having panic attacks at the moment but I can't turn my mind off and my thoughts are strange. I look at other people and try and imagine how they feel...normal. It's like I can hardly remember what it feels like to be normal. I am doing a very good job of acting it though!

  8. #8

    Re: New from Lincolnshire UK

    Thanks Wayne and Emms, glad to know you are close by, it does provide some comfort! x

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jan 2010

    Re: New from Lincolnshire UK

    Hello, Im from lincoln too if you want to talk just mssg me xxxx

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