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Thread: increased dose mirtazapine

  1. #11
    Join Date
    Jul 2008

    Re: increased dose mirtazapine

    Hi again Mirtazapine is definitely more sedating in the lower doses ie 7.5mg and 15mg. when I first went on it I could barely keep awake in the afternoons. I suggest that you go back to your GP for a review of your meds and a medical certificate. I would also ask for a referral to see a psychiatrist as he/she will be better suited to diagnose your illness. Mirtazapine has worked for me in the past although this time it is slow to recognise any change in my mood this time. I am also taking lithium. My psychiatrist also mentioned combining mirtazapine with another ssri which might be an option for you too. I expect that he will want to increase your dose. Best of luck with it and keep posting.

  2. #12

    Re: increased dose mirtazapine

    hi i was in better mood yestarday but found myself getting very bad temperd i was not happy with that as was bad to the people who have bn there also finding it hard to want to go out xx

  3. #13

    Re: increased dose mirtazapine

    hi bn dr,s today said i should go up to 30 ml just dredding it coz of how i felt going up b4 he also said that he was refering me to counciling x

  4. #14
    Join Date
    Feb 2010

    Re: increased dose mirtazapine

    Hi Maria have just been reading your threads and really feel for you. I started taking mirtazipine last Friday 15ml after taking citalopram for around 4 months. I had taken them in the past and they had worked but this time they didint even though I went right up to 40ml. Presently I am having the withdrawal from the citalopram and the side effects from miritazipine and just feel so out of sorts. citalopram withdrawal is causing like brain zaps but right through my body continuous throughout the day. The mirtazipine makes me feel drowsy and heavy legs/arms until around mid afternoon. Be interesting to know how you go when you increase to 30ml as some say it takes the drowsiness effect away. Good luck. Keep posting. Jo

  5. #15

    Re: increased dose mirtazapine

    good luck to u to dont no what to do for the best as feeling good today does any 1 no every time u increase do u get the down feeling again xx

  6. #16
    Join Date
    Feb 2010

    Re: increased dose mirtazapine

    Hi Maria, Just wondered if you did increase to 30mg and if so how are you feeling?? Do you work or are you lucky enough to be able to stay home? Jo.x

  7. #17

    Re: increased dose mirtazapine

    hi luv yes i do work but bn off sick since nov bn that bad with it all. i have not incressed it yet as feeling ok now on 15 dont wont to increase them yet iam tryn to get back to work as carnt aford to stay off how ru doing on yours xx

  8. #18
    Join Date
    Feb 2010

    Re: increased dose mirtazapine

    Hi Maria, we sound in the same boat, I have been off since mid October, originally put on citalopram as this has worked previously for me but this time even though went up to 40mg was not effective enough hence the change to mirtazipine. I think I am doing ok on them, I dont feel depressed or anxious as much anymore, its just the blooming side effects. The drowsiness does wear off but sometimes takes longer than other days. Today I have not had a very good day, I feel bloated, got a bit of odema in my hands partciularly and have just felt heavy most of the day. It is just starting to wear off now. I think the past 2 days I have just been over doing it, doing an hour on the treadmill and then trying to do all the house work and acting as if I am well again when really I still need to take it easy a bit. I am such an active person I find it very difficult to rest, but have had to this afternoon and have promised myself I will do as little as poss tommorow (she says). I just want to get my life back, have been out of work so long etc, gets you down. I work full time do you? When did you start on mirtazipine?? How do you feel on it?? Jo.xx

  9. #19

    Re: increased dose mirtazapine

    Hi jo i also was on citalapram but made me go off my head ot all came to a head in nov i do work full time have 3 kids 1 grandson 1 of my daughters has a disabity hubby was out of work he started back in work in nov so good job rearly i started on mirt on dec 25was on them a week could not handle the tied side so went to half but then 3 weeks ago that same feeling of dred cme over me could not sleep so dr,s put me up to proper dose of 15 it took 2 weeks to get back in system felt like i was starting all over again had a good week since thurs give it another wk good then i will go back to work have to be 100 % in my job as iam an aviation security office hope all goes well for u i dont mind the sleeping at night as thats was my problem x:d

  10. #20
    Join Date
    Feb 2010

    Re: increased dose mirtazapine

    Hi Maria, you say it took 2 weeks for the mirtazipine to get back into your system, what were your symptoms and how did you feel?? I will have been taking the 15mg 2 weeks on Friday, yet I still do not feel I could leave the house. I feel clumsy and find things hard to do. After this week I only have 2 more weeks until I am due back to work (though it I need longer i can take it but dont really want to if I can help it). Did you feel more normal gradually or did you just wake up one day and feel alot better. At least I'm not depressed or anxious anymore (at the moment) so the meds must be doing something. Its just these dreadful side seriously thinking of asking the GP if I can come off them am in such a dilemma!!! Any advise would really be welcomed. Thanks hun. Jo.xx

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