Hi Tetley. Thanks for your reply.

The CAB were actually very good to me when I first got into financial trouble. I had payment protection on the loan and credit card, and they did pay. Unfortunatley, I was sent for a DWP medical, and they took incapacity benefit off me. When I was claiming job seekers, I was actually offered a job. Had I refused the job, I would have lost my entitlement to benefit. This meant I had to tell the bank, and stop the insurance claim. The CAB helped me appeal the DWP descision, and I got it back. Good job - I was fired after 6 weeks of the new job after having daily panic attacks at work (they said it was a trial period, and they were not happy with my work). The bank then said I couldn't claim for the same thing (ill health) twice on the insurance, so I am stuck with the debt.

There actually seems to be more legislation available to help people in employment when it comes to debts. It's certainly worth talking to CAB again though.

I'm not at all confident in my GP. We have an ongoing debate about another issue, and even letters from the pain management clinic have been largley ignored by her. Her stock response to everything is 'speak to your counsellor' (by which I think she means CBT person). I suppose the best thing to do would be change surgery completley, rather than see a different GP at the same place.