Hi Steve,

I guess your counsellor must know you to have suggested fluoxetine.. are you familiar with your GP at all? what do they think of it - do they think it is right for you?
I had a psychiatrist assess me and give me fluoxetine 20mg but he had only met me one time and it turned out this wasn't the drug for me and my counsellor and GP both didn't think it was right for me, so I was changed to a different one. But it is purely personal as what is right for someone may not be for someone else and depends entirely on your symptoms.. Personally I believe it is a great AD for depression, but not such a great one for anxiety..
and they do take a while to kick in.. up to 4 weeks.. so you may get a few side effects to start with but thats normal..
good luck and feel free to ask anything else!
Let us know how you get on,

"do not fear to hope...Each time we smell the autumn's dying scent, we know that primrose time will come again"