Hi Vinus, Richard and all others,

I had (stil have prob) GAD and I have been on Cipralex (the same tabs as you are on) for 4 years now. 20mg
The past 6 months I was taking them not every day, sometimes missed a week.
I wanted to stop them.

My adjustment to them 4 years ago lasted for months, maybe 3-4 months.
I was worse with them then without.

I work, have 2 kids, husband. My husband is not supportive when i am not well, he actually freaks - he is scared.

for the pat week first time in almost a year i am having anxiety and low mood boost caused by my flu.

I know the reason, but it doesnt help, i feel a bit a failure. I want to do the things i have to do, but I cant i cry, i cant breathe, i am not at work, and cant do muc in the house, which makes my husband mad.

I wish it would all go away....