Hi,sorry you dont feel too good today,
no you are not alone,
Your doctor doesnt sound very nice or helpful.He should have some understanding of all this, my gp says its easier having a broken leg because you can see it and mend it but she means it in a nice way and never has she made me feel silly over it.I have been with my heart doing the same as yours and she says I can go ten times a day if it reassures me.
i am not surprised you feel worse today.
Maybe if you have a good cry you will feel a bit better, dont let what has been said bother you, there are a couple of old posts I remember from people in the same situation.
You have got your hands full with the kids. Have you passed out before with any of this, It is hard I know and a lot of what ifs go through our mind but we must try to carry on and hope they come to nothing, easier said than done I know. I remember reading somewhere nobody has died of a panic attack, that makes me feel safer if I get real bad.
hope you feeling bit better, take care Love Alexis,x