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Thread: Globus Hystericus

  1. #11

    Re: Globus Hystericus

    I have asthma but I find that I get a feeling of throat tightness on my lower portion of my throat. I haven't been able to eat very well and it worries me because this should not relate to my asthma but it certainly makes it harder to breath. I try not to think about it but its there in the first place and distracting. This certainly worries me.

    Any ideas?

  2. #12

    Re: Globus Hystericus

    I am a physician who has developed this pain in the *(&^% . I have found that chewing gum seems to keep Globus under control.. has anyone else found gum chewing to be helpful?

  3. #13
    Join Date
    Feb 2005
    , , United Kingdom.

    Re: Globus Hystericus

    Lol you're a physician and you're not using a magic medication for the globus!!! Only joking. Yep I think chewing gum helps, or ignoring it, or a good cry.
    Colchester Essex

  4. #14

    Re: Globus Hystericus

    I have had globus hystericus symptoms off and on for a number of years, although it has definitely worsened over the last year or so.
    It tends to come on at times of stress such as performances/interviews etc.; my main symptom is a throat 'spasm' or gagging feeling which often causes me to be physically sick. I believe it is down to anxiety feelings; unfortunately I too often use alchohol to calm the symptoms down, but I also realise that the alchohol could be fuelling the problem.
    My doctor diagnosed globus hystericus and, together with propranolol tablets, she also prescribes diazepam for occasional use when the symptoms are really bad - I find that this helps. I also heard a pharmacist recommend piriton tablets to calm the symptoms as piriton apparently has a mild sedative effect.
    I don't know if any of this helps, but I sympathise with anyone who is suffering from this horrible condition.

  5. #15

    Re: Globus Hystericus

    Here is a website with some throat exercises that might help you.

    Pray everyday, Maybe God will hear us all. I also suffer from that feeling. And I cry everyday. sigh... I truly hope you get better soon.
    Last edited by eeyorelover; 07-04-10 at 05:36. Reason: Link removed. Violation of forum rules Regarding pay sites

  6. #16
    Join Date
    Dec 2009

    Re: Globus Hystericus

    i too used to have this , among other nasty symptoms of anxiety and depression. Two years ago I was diagnoded with a genetic defect called pyroluria which causes unrelenting, gutwrenching anxiety, as well as histadellia and copper overload which explained everything. I am almost cured. the anxiety is long gone but I still have some issues with motivation. I am unable to post links but there is a lot of info available about these conditions. Finding a trained Dr is the hard part, hopefully our physician member will consider his fellow anxiety sufferers and get trained in the Pfeiffer/ Biobalance method.

  7. #17
    Join Date
    Dec 2008

    Re: Globus Hystericus

    I first had this 19 years ago, whilst eating a packet of crisps. It has stayed with me, sometimes just an occasional thing and sometimes REALLY intrusive. For the last couple of weeks I've had fits of not being able to swallow right when I'm trying to get to sleep. Actually, just happened again while typing

    Every night, it's getting me down now. And it always happens if I try to eat something in the car (but only if I've got a passenger...)
    Knowing it's irrational doesn't change anything...

  8. #18
    Join Date
    Mar 2010

    Re: Globus Hystericus

    Hi, I've just been diagnosed with 'globus phayryngeus' which I understand is a politer term for the same thing. Mine started 8 weeks ago when I swallowed a chunk of apple the wrong way. I still feel exactly as if the apple is still stuck in my larynx - pain, itchy, prickly feelings, a 'flap' moving about that needs to be coughed out but won't budge, and also anxiety, nausea, dizziness, panic attacks, I'm sure you can recite the list.

    I've just had my throat scoped for the third time, and for the third time been told there is nothing there!!!

    I'm finding it very hard to accept that my throat is 'clever' enough to produce a set of phantom symptoms exactly the same as the real symptoms when I first mis-swallowed the peel. I feel sceptical and confused and still in horrible discomfort.

    However, I've no choice now but to follow the doc's advice, which is to sip ice-water, and try not to cough. Tea and coffee unquestionably make it worse (tho I can't bring myself to give them up completely). Anxiety also makes it worse - even tho this was what caused my anxiety in the first place! So I need to calm myself down and stop panicking about it. 'Paramol' painkilllers help, as the codeine calms you down a bit. Diazepam or alcohol, plus my hot meal in the evening, nearly always help it to settle down until the next morning, when it kicks off again. I am worried about getting too dependent on the meds, but feel I have to do what I have to do at the moment.

    Oh, and I'm taking manuka honey, which helps a bit. I've been told I should give it 6-8 weeks to clear before 'panicking' (my word) off to the doc again!

    My great sympathy to everyone who's suffering... apple peel in throat or not, this is the nastiest health problem I've ever had. Many thanks for all the advice on here.

  9. #19

    Re: Globus Hystericus

    For me its a symptom of a panic attack. It is the first thing that happens to me aside the pain in my stomach which for me is where the attack begins. I have on several occasions believed my throat is closing up. As soon as you accept it is a symptom of the panic and not a real threat then you will feel better. I used to carry a bottle of water with me everywhere i went and it was just a way of proving to myself that my throat was working fine. Acceptance is the key here and although frightening at the time it really is only another panic symptom. Try saying to yourself its just a panic attack and it will go away. Panic attacks feed of our fear so try to be strong.

  10. #20
    Join Date
    May 2010

    Re: Globus Hystericus

    (26 yr old female Dental Nurse.... wanting life back! )

    I have just started to suffer from this 'lump' in the throat sensation and it's driving me positivly mad! 11 weeks ago I mad myself Anxious. This was all to do with having my moles checked and thinking I had Cancer. Anyway the wait for the appointment was hell. All down to me 'Googling' Melanoma and convincing myself I was riddled with Cancer - clever huh. I have never been so scared in all my life. I had 3 major panic attacks; I had never, ever suffered from any kind of Anxiety problems and I thought I was going into cardiac arrest. Scary stuff.

    Anyway.... all was fine with the moles - just have to keep an eye on them. So I start to feel a little better; however now I had become a really Anxious person with this fear of death. God help me. I've never been so low...... Cut a long story short about 4 weeks ago I started to feel this 'lump' it wasn't everyday and I would ignore it and that was that. Then it would come back and I started to swallow more to try and dislodge this 'flap' 'pill' 'food' DEBRIS from my throat - with no avail. So now I suffer everyday, it gets worse in the evenings, I have relief when I eat - so now I'm eating more!

    Tightness below my Adams Apple.
    'lump' moves around - sometimes below Adams Apple, sometimes in my chest - behind the breastbone.
    Feeling of always wanting to swallow to dislodge the debris.
    Discomfort when it feels as though it's in the chest - feels like a large object is well and truly lodged.
    Stiff neck.
    Upper back pain.
    TMJ pain from clenching teeth............................................

    Is this really via Anxiety? I just find it so hard to believe that all this is caused through stress! It's stressing me out! One big revolving circle huh? I went to docs first about the actual Anxiety - was given Diazepam - didn't take them. Went back last week about my throat. Had done allot of research and she knew I wasn't going to be fobbed off; however she did diagnose it as GH. I'm going back this week as it feels worse and I want to take her up on the offer of being referred to ENT/x-ray. She did refer me to CBT, so I'm awaiting that to start. I just want to be my old happy self again. I'm so dumbfounded how powerful the mind actually is. It's amazing really..... HELP!!! Please shed some light on this horrid condition.......

    Love and peace

    Neen x

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