
I've been where you are and in some ways still am. I couldn't do voluntary work as that was far to difficult for me. If you're like me then it's not just about being shy and 'getting out there'. If it's social phobia then it's awful!! I got to a point where I couldn't look up in the street, avoided all contact with strangers and my worst moment was when I avoided my Mum in the street because I panicked about how long I would have to talk to her for. I went to my gp and he sent me for CBT. At the same time I started very gently challenging myself. I started things like talking to staff in shops or saying something to someone standing next to me at the bus stop. I made myself look around me rather than the floor and started talking to my friend on Skype that I met on NMP. I've pushed myself in these little ways for 2 years now and am much better. I'm still completely panicky in meetings and don't do them! but for the first time in about 15 years I went to a party on Friday. I still hate using the phone but push myself to make calls that I'm not comfortable with. I just constantly push myself. I can't do a lot of things but at least I can walk down a road comfortably now and not be totally scared that someone might talk to me and I can have a simple meal in a cafe. Talking to people is still sometimes difficult but last year I joined a pottery class. I was terrified but the class was so much fun that it really helped me. I went and saw the tutor before I booked the class to make sure I wouldn't have to talk in front of the group or wouldn't be the focus of their attention at any time. To anyone without social phobia this might seem extreme but it got me there!
You need to request CBT from your GP. It doesn't matter how long the waiting list is just do it! It helped me so much, but you have to be prepared to do homework and really question your actions. Quite a lot of GP surgeries have councellors that are trained in CBT so the waiting list might not be that long.
Bunty xx