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Thread: Aching Left Arm

  1. #21
    Join Date
    Jan 2009

    Re: Aching Left Arm

    I also have these mystery aches but at the moment it is in my left hand and in particular my pinky. My particular fear is parkinsons and I am definitely getting to the stage where I am getting the better of my HA but stupidly thought that given I was feeling better then if I went on to a parkinsons support group website then it would actually be a positive thing and show how far I had come in overcoming my fear. (Yes, I know it is an utterly stupid thing to do.) Anyway I am reading through one of the case studies about a young guy like me who had parkinsons and the first symptom he noticed was the involuntary movement in one of the fingers in his left hand. Guess what, 24 hours later I have this numb and almost tremorish feeling in my pinky, very similar to what Chickadee is describing. It happened on monday and I still have it though I can now see it for what it is. A physical manifestation of the mind. One thing that I am starting to notice is that the power of the mind and its ability to play tricks on your subconscious is unbelievable.
    Keep up the good fight everyone!!

  2. #22

    Re: Aching Left Arm

    hi everyone.

    great to read that i'm not alone in what im feeling. i have a weird tingling sensation, coupled with achey pains in my left arm which often come and go along with numb fingers. i havent had it checked out yet as im pretty certain its just anxiety, and reading all the past posts makes me think that is correct. I am a fairly big girl and to be honest have a drug issue which doesnt help with the anxiety i know and i am currently trying to help that issue in order to try and feel better. Like everyone else i think the worse (heart attack etc etc) but im sure if it was this then it would have happened by now. When i am at home it seems to die down, whereas when i am at work i gets alot worse.

  3. #23
    Join Date
    Aug 2009

    Re: Aching Left Arm

    Hi GDOC,
    You didn't say what you do for work. Years ago I had a job in which I had to sit in a fairly prone position bending forward and putting pressure down with my left hand. As a result I got RSI. (Repetitive strain injury) At that time the condition had not been recognized so I got little help. Since then it has and I've had physiotherapy and all is good. But the symptoms where also similar to what you've described. What the difference is is that it mainly happens to you at work - which gave me a flashback.
    Similarily, by partner (he who had the heart attack a few month ago) recently started having pain in the upper inside of his right arm. Thinking it was heart related he went back to his cardiologist who insisted it had nothing to do with his heart. On further thinking my partner realised that everyday he carries a back pack with his computer in it to work - and you guessed it; over his right arm. He gave it a rest for a few days and lo and behold the pain is gone.
    Just some food for thought.

  4. #24

    Re: Aching Left Arm

    Hiya well i have had arm pain for the last two years which comes and goes, had it checked out at the hospital last week and its not related to my heart. At present it is starting to subside but i know it will be back again. Do tend to feel quite anxious when it gets bad and i can feel the early signs of a panic attack when it comes on. Also i am not sure if this helps but the pains are said to be shooting pains if it is related to the heart and not a dull ache like i am getting now, although i am sure shooting pains can be anxiety related also. At present i am going through CBT treatment and it is helping alot. I just say to myself that i have had this before, in fact as i am typing this email, my mind drifted away frmo it, and now i have focused on it again it has become sore, just shows you.

  5. #25

    Re: Aching Left Arm

    I have had a dull ache in left arm for two days now. It feels slighly tingly and feel like I can't use it properly although I can.

    I have been very anxious this last week and presume this is just yet another sympton to add to my list

  6. #26
    Join Date
    Jun 2010

    Re: Aching Left Arm

    i wake up every morning with a strange sensation in my left arm but disappears quite quick. I lay on my right side so i would think would be right arm that would be asleep but its always the left. Not sure what it is maybe i have been laying on it funny during the night who knows but im not panicing about it....yet lol
    Its not my fault i am the way i am

  7. #27
    Join Date
    Jun 2011

    Re: Aching Left Arm

    I've figured out what is causing this for me....iphone!!!
    LOL!!! X

    v. survived, surviving, survives
    v.intr. 1. To remain alive or in existence.
    2. To carry on despite hardships or trauma; persevere
    3. To remain functional or usable 1. To live longer than; outlive
    2. To live, persist, or remain usable through
    3. To cope with (a trauma or setback); persevere after

  8. #28

    Re: Aching Left Arm

    Hi i also have an aching left arm, ive had it for a while now. I have seen my doctor about this and since had an ECG, blood tests, cholesteral test and all came back normal im pleased to say.. I still have the achey arm but at least i know it is NOT leading to a Heart Attack which is what i immediately thought. So if you are worried, please have a check by your GP and be reassured ok. x

  9. #29

    Re: Aching Left Arm

    hi all
    i have found aching in arms can be due to blood thinners?.
    i have cut my blood thinners down to half dose
    and i am ok now

  10. #30
    Join Date
    Mar 2011

    Re: Aching Left Arm

    Glad someone posted on this old thread.
    I too have a aching left arm starts about 10mins after getting out of bed and is with me all day everyday.
    Starts in the shoulder and moves down to my hand (strange only my left arm). Leaves my arm feeling constantly tired.

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