Quote Originally Posted by calm View Post
oh my god....you are in the same dilemma that i am in...so i will await the responses.
i am on cit 20mg since the 9th july....and my panic/anxiety is high...i have been given diazepam to see me through until the meds kick in....they havent yet.
im not sure if i should ask the doc to increase my cit meds or should i just pop a diazapam as and when needed....if someone can help me as well as glasgow guy it would be oh so appreciated....glasgow guy....i am also scared of addiction.....but they just calm all my panics away.....so i just dont know xxxx kindest regards tracey xxxxx i know i am a complete pain...so sorry for posting so many times - i do hope you are all not getting sick and tired of me xxxxxx

It does take time for them to help. I know how you feel. Hang in there.