
I spent some time online last night and found numerous other people that had had the same thing happen to them, I've pasted one example below.

I went back to my doctors today after the infection got worse again last night. Apparently Citalopram mixed with antibiotics can have this reaction. Although they don't necessarily cancel one another out the antibiotics can stop the citalopram working effectively causing withdrawal symptoms. Also, she said those with weaker stomachs won't be able to deal with the combination of antibiotics and antidepressants causing sickness, loose stools and various other gastric problems, alas I am not going crazy, thank god! Feel utterly awful physically... after a week of loving the citalopram (alone) initially I have now stopped taking it as I can't deal with the combination emotionally or physically, naturally dealing with my infection is more important right now.

As I said though, I am very surprised evidence of this is so sparse considering in 27 years this is has easily been one of the worst weeks of my life both emotionally and physically.

Hopefully not too many other people will experience the same thing.

Grace x
