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Thread: Bisoprolol for ectopic beats

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Sep 2010

    Smile Bisoprolol for ectopic beats

    Hello everybody! After two years of reading the various posts on this website I have finally decided to join you all.
    Since my early twenties I have had the occasional ectopic beat, usually with a rush of stress, or a bit of social anxiety, but nothing as scary as the events in the last two years. In July 2008 I had an episode of neuralgic amyotrophy. It is an 'attack' on nerves (of no known cause) in the shoulder/arm, which is unbelievably painful (worse than childbirth), it lasts approx. two weeks then tapers off, although I have been left with some muscular wastage in my shoulder, and only the odd twinge of nerve pain, thank goodness. Anyway the ectopics resurfaced in greater numbers straight after this. I asked the cardiologist about this. He said possibly a connection, but this has never been documented. The neurologist dismissed my question! I have had ECGs, a 7 day holter monitor, and Echo (in Feb 2009). My heart is structurally sound and I have a slight murmur (benign), which I am assured is nothing to worry about. Then this May (2010) the ectopics decided to up their game for no apparent reason. I can now get up to 12+ in a row, which are horrible and feels like I'm not on this planet . I have also started getting bigeminy and trigeminy (a PVC every 2nd beat, and a PVC every third beat) in odd bursts. In addition, when my 7 year old daughter is about and sees me having them it frightens her. I worry more about her than I do me, which doesn't help, I know .
    Monday this week I was back at the Cardiology Clinic (first visit since March 2009), where I saw the Lead Consultant, much to my relief. He said that he was not too worried about the PVCs, because I have a structurally sound heart, but he did acknowledge that they are really upsetting me and in turn my life. I asked if the PVCs could get even worse, but he said they could go either way , or just stay the same (how long is a piece of string as they say). He has prescribed me BISOPROLOL 2.5mg to take if and when I feel I need it, but he doesn't want me to take them as a regular medication, at least at this stage.
    Has anyone in the forum taken BISOPROLOL for ectopics?? Having read the leaflet it appears to regulate the heart rate, lower blood pressure, and keep angina under control. I have normal blood pressure 120/80, so I am a bit concerned about this aspect, and I don't have angina. I am tempted to break the tablet in two as it is scored down the middle and just take half, to see if I get any side effects. The cardiologist said it was entirely my choice if I wanted to take the medication or not, but the medication may lessen the physical effects of those blasted ectopics, and he thought it would help me to know I had a back-up plan.
    Looking forward to any thoughts, comments, or especially experiences that you may have had on this matter!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2009

    Re: Bisoprolol for ectopic beats

    Hi there Natty. Well if you've been reading the forum threads for a while you will have seen the numerous posts about ectopics and irregular heartbeats and flutters and know that loads of people get them....even my doctor suffers with them! I think its a difficult decision to make about meds, but it depends on whether you can go on not coping with the ectopics. Ive suffered with them over many years and have come to accept that they are part of me, just as some people get migraines and others suffer with their bowels!

    Like alot of us, ive had all the tests many times and been told its a benign condition, and I accept them more than I used to. Having said that, I was given a betablocker called propranolol (half inderal) about 2 years ago and really didn't want to take them because of any side effects, but the ectopics were sometimes really troublesome and i was so weary of them that i went ahead with the meds. I won't say ive been side effect-free as they slow the system down and can make you feel a bit sluggish (i'm on 80mg a day as a slow release capsule) but they've really helped with the ectopics which have almost disappeared.

    You have to ask yourself if you can cope with the ectopics or if you need a bit of help. Those of us who've had them for many years know that there doesn't seem to be anything we can do to control them, they come and go whatever mood we are in and regardless of happiness or sadness and stress. I would say if the ectopics overwhelm you and interfere with your quality of life then go ahead and take the half tablet to start with,then take the whole one if the half makes no can always stop after a few days if you feel it necessary.

    Best wishes
    Anna xxx

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Sep 2010

    Smile Re: Bisoprolol for ectopic beats

    Thank you for your thoughts, they are much appreciated. Bizarrely since I saw the Cardiologist on Monday the ectopics seem worse. I had a rotten day of them on Wednesday. Then this morning I woke up with the odd one, followed by a short burst of them, and half an hour later a run of 10+, and then having them every couple of beats. Then it subsided.
    I'm thinking of giving the Bisoprolol a go tomorrow, because at least my husband will be around all day if I do get any side-effects. Glad to hear that your beta-blockers have helped you.
    Kind regards,

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Sep 2010

    Thumbs up Re: Bisoprolol for ectopic beats

    Just been looking through some less recent posts, and found one by Monkee Magik saying how useful this website is:

    Yes, brilliant! Even an experience of bisoprolol there.
    To any PVC/ectopic sufferer what a useful source of info.

    So glad I joined everybody here at NO MORE PANIC


  5. #5

    Re: Bisoprolol for ectopic beats

    I have had atrial ectopics for 4 awful years. Loads of tests and 3 cardiologists said that all was okay, just ectopics !! they have completely destroyed my life and I am permantely terrified of the what ifs. However, 3 months ago it was suggested that I tried Bisoprolol 1.25 dose, I was very scared but decided that I have to try something to get my life back. Despite a few side effects, nothing really of significance, my ectopics have dramatically decreased. I still get them few times a day, but so much better than my hours of constant thumps and irregular beats. It has transformed my life and I now feel much more relaxed, which in turn of course helps with the ectopics !! I would definitely give them a go, It took me 3 years to pluck up the courage to go on medication, looking back 3 wasted years.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Sep 2010

    Smile Re: Bisoprolol for ectopic beats

    Thank you so much for your post Celeste. I ask myself why I am so hesitant about taking the Bisoprolol - I should just get on with it! Today I have been plagued with various combinations of ectopics again.
    My husband is around all day tomorrow, so I intend to give the Bisoprolol a go.
    Good to hear your experience of them. I know people usually seem to be prescribed Propranolol, so I was a bit uncertain about Bisoprolol. Of course, it was the Cardiologist who gave me the prescription, so why on earth am I questioning it. My circle of anxiety I guess...
    Many thanks again,

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jul 2010

    Re: Bisoprolol for ectopic beats

    I'm 28 and i've suffered ectopics for 3 years and i still struggle with them even after numerous tests. Some days i barely notice them, then other days i get them almost constantly, extra beats, skipped beats, all weird sensations and it panics me. I take 5mg of bisoprolol daily. I started on 2.5mg and they gradually upped it to 7.5mg. i'm not sure if they help or not to be honest as i still have terrible bouts of them, but maybe if i wasn't taking them then the ectopics would be even worse, i don't know. All i know is that they've ruined my life in certain ways, i just hope one day they'll just go. All the best and hope it works for you x

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Sep 2010

    Smile Re: Bisoprolol for ectopic beats

    Hello I gave the Bisoprolol (1.25mg) a try on the weekend. Although the ectopics, notably PVCs, still happened, they happened with much less force. So in turn they were less unsettling/upsetting. Makes sense I guess, as the betablockers regulate the heart rate and lower the blood pressure a bit. My heart rate was a fairly steady 65 beats per minute or so; it's often up there in the 80s or 90s or more.

    I decided not to take the tablet this morning, and ectopics are feeling much more forceful again. Perhaps because I've also walked about 3 miles this morning at a fairly brisk pace. The cardiologist assures me that it doesn't matter if you get the PVCs while resting or exercising, if all the tests are normal. But I must admit I'm never very sure about that one... When I get them while exercising (very brisk walking, swimming, and a bit of table tennis) I sometimes feel woozy. If the PVCs turn into a run of 8+ or more, I can feel faint, although (as yet) never fainted. Any thoughts out there on that one??

    All the best,
    Natty One

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Sep 2010

    Re: Bisoprolol for ectopic beats

    Thank you very much for your reply Clare
    So good to hear others' experiences of Bisoprolol.
    My cardiologist wants me only to take them if I think I'm having a 'bad' day, or I think I'm going to have a 'bad' day. That is so hard to predict... And I don't simply get them with a 'bad' day. I can be happy, sad, neither one or the other, stressed, not stressed, anxious, not anxious... They say some people get them with no symptoms - lucky them!! It stinks when you do feel every one.

    Where is that miracle cure? I too live in hope
    Natty One.

  10. #10

    Re: Bisoprolol for ectopic beats

    HI Natty, Im glad you gave Bisoprolol a try. I note your comment saying your Cardiologist suggested taking one if you feel you are going to have a bad day ? My cardilogist said that I wouldnt get any effect unless I took them every day, and to be honest he was right as it took a few days for the full effect to really be felt. He also told me not to stop them suddenly because this could cause worse palpitations !! Im not a medical person but maybe you could discuss this with him to see what he thinks. I can only tell you that I have a medication phobia so the thought of taking a tablet every day was a real terror for me, but Im so glad I started them. I take one every morning and my life has transformed. I dont think the palpitations will ever completely disappear as it seems that some of us are so sensitive to them, but the reduction is wonderful. I even felt well enough to go on a 2 week cruise, something that I would never of done before as I was always terrified of the palpitations and always felt I needed to be near a hospital. If you feel confident and your doctor agrees, have no fears about taking one ever day, as long as you dont have any side effects, and 1.25 is a very very low dose I am sure you will feel the benefit. My consultant also suggested that I eat foods that are calming for the heart, orange juice, bananas and chocolate (result) however not dark chocolate , just the milk chocolate. I know exactly how you feel about these palpitations, how much they destory your life, and in my case I drove my husband completely mad.
    Hope you continue to improve on the Bisoprolol.

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