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Thread: Things that have not killed me in 2010...

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2009

    Things that have not killed me in 2010...

    Lately I'm trying to tell myself, each time I get a new fear, that nothing else I've feared has happened, so why should this?

    I thought I'd list every health concern I panicked about in 2010 so I can refer to them in the future and use them to convince myself that I'm ok, I didn't have those things, and I don't have... whatever.

    -Heart failure
    -A heart attack
    -A collapsed lung
    -Motor neurone disease
    -Swine flu (so I actually had this one in 2009, I still managed to convince myself I was dying of it this year)
    -A stroke
    -A brain tumour
    -A brain hemorrage (after concussing myself pretty badly, spending the night under supervision in hospital, having a bunch of tests, as soon as they discharged me I thought I'd die)
    -(very) early onset alzheimer's (I'm 23)
    -Cervical cancer
    -Ovarian cancer
    -Kidney failure
    -Pregnancy (ok, so not a disease, but I had an Implanon implant at the time, so it was pretty much impossible)
    -Lung disease
    -Breast cancer

    I had none of these. It is my hope that by referring back to this list of illnesses I was so sure of, yet wrong about, I can see my anxiety for what it really is.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2010

    Re: Things that have not killed me in 2010...

    Hi PD, what a brilliant idea, this will help you lots. A great positive post, well done you x

  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2007

    Re: Things that have not killed me in 2010...

    Perhaps you should print the list off and pin it up to remind you.

    My list is short, in the past year I haven't died of:

    A heart attack
    A stroke
    A brain tumour

    I also haven't fainted at work! I don't know why I get so anxious about that as I've never fainted in my life...

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Sep 2010

    Re: Things that have not killed me in 2010...

    ood thread idea

    In the past year I have not died from:

    - Choking
    - My airway being blocked
    - An allergic reaction/anaphalyptic shock (a wierd fear considering I'm not allergic to anything that I know of)
    - Esophogeal Cancer
    - Throat Cancer
    -Stomach Caner
    - A brain tumour
    - An undiagnosed heart condition
    - An undiagnosed anywhere condition!
    - Something happening to me in my sleep
    - Every other irrational thought that has embedded itself into my mind.

    "You are trying to do all the right things, just don't "battle" it out. Try and carry on with normal day to day things and don't shrink from your anxiety. Remember that's it's acceptance that brings recovery. If you've been in a bad place for so long then old habits die hard, but they do die."

  5. #5

    Re: Things that have not killed me in 2010...

    This year I have managed to survive....

    Heart attack
    Blood clot moving to the lung (i thought i could feel it inching its way up my body!)

    I am so annoyed at the amount of time I have spent worrying about this not to mention how people who have these conditions must despise my pathetic worrying but at the time doesnt it seem so real?!

  6. #6

    Re: Things that have not killed me in 2010...

    The things which I don't want not only 2010 year as well as for the life time :
    Anti ageing

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Oct 2010

    Re: Things that have not killed me in 2010...

    my 2010 illnesses

    bowl cancer
    liver cancer
    mouth cancer
    Stoke - a couple of times
    Blindness -
    Swine flu
    This xmas and last week - vCJD - still thinking about this one

  8. #8
    Join Date
    May 2007

    Re: Things that have not killed me in 2010...

    Seeing those lists made me remember, these should be added to mine:

    A fatal allergic reaction - i also have no known allergies
    A blood clot - not sure how irrational that is as that's what my dad died from but I have had the factor V Leiden test and don't have the gene that increases your chances of a blood clot...
    Not being able to breathe

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Sep 2010

    Re: Things that have not killed me in 2010...

    A little bump for this thread!
    "You are trying to do all the right things, just don't "battle" it out. Try and carry on with normal day to day things and don't shrink from your anxiety. Remember that's it's acceptance that brings recovery. If you've been in a bad place for so long then old habits die hard, but they do die."

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Sep 2010

    Re: Things that have not killed me in 2010...

    Ive just read this again, and think its a fantastic idea for all those here with ha to maybe do a list of their own? Some people here have severe ha, and are constantly posting the same things over and over, and nothing said can stop those fears. Maybe if those of us who suffer ha could look back over the year and make a list of things we thought would harm/kill us, and realise they didnt. That would be a very positive step I think x

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