yeah this sounds like what i have sometimes. Its very scary when you have all these things at once as it seems like something more sinister. I dont know exactly what it is cos ive had a similar feeling when ive had missed heartbeats ( which are normal if you have anxiety) ,and sometimes it feels like the earthquake thing for me but when i check my pulse my heart is fine so i guess that's excess adrenalin making me shaky in my chest. Reading through posts alot of people have similar flutter and shake problems but i'm definately similar to you in that it gets my chest throat and breathing all at once if that makes you feel any better. Also i don't think i had them for like an hour continuosly, more like on and off - i was more scared of them then as they were new to me so they seemed to be never ending, now when i have them i just try and breath through them and they tend to ease off.

i hope this helps ,if you wanna chat pm me.

take care, linz