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Thread: advice on mixing citalopram and ecstasy

  1. #11
    Join Date
    Jun 2003
    , , United Kingdom.
    Hi Bluedandylyon,

    Well , I'm glad you did have a good time and even more pleased that you did ok with your bits and bobs - I'm very relieved.

    You haven't let anyone down -You decided to just take a higher risk than we're usually comfortable with condoning but we don't think any worse of you for that...

    Hope you keep up being more sociable without them.


    Your anxiety is the human representation of the pictures that you paint using your many vivid colours of revolving and reoccurring thoughts.
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  2. #12
    Join Date
    Aug 2005
    , , United Kingdom.
    phew! thank you for not telling me off x

  3. #13
    Peru83's Avatar
    Peru83 is offline Intermediate Member
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    Hi Blue,

    I'm glad to hear that you didn't have any problems but I beg you that you don't make this a regular thing. I know that your saying that you wont but thats what they all say! Believe me I have been there. When I was a teenager I had a bad drug problem wich started just as you described in your story, you know just wanting to fit in and not be the one saying no. That feeling of confidence from ecstacy is very addictive, but also very dangerous. I got my wake up call about ectasy the hard way.

    I went to the same dealer I always did (so there for felt he was trusted) my friends and I took them on the way back to hers and when everyone else was starting to smack (I assume you know what that is), I wasn't. I thought god I got a dud, wish it was a dud. Not long after I went really cold rather than getting the usual warm feeling, I started to shiver, I was dehydrated and I wasn't moving. I became really scared and went home quickly. I then started to become mega hot, I'm talking feeling like I was on fire. I remember lying on my living room floor with the fan on and my mum sleeping up stairs just thinking 'oh my god I'm going to die'. I just wanted to go to sleep but obviously couldn't, I had to sit through every agonising moment of it. But thank god I'm here. I've never touched them since and I always tell people who are considering them that they are stupid. At the end of the day these drugs are made in big factory like places(if you lucky) or alot of people make them at home, your not guaranteed that the mix is mixed properly, what do the dealers care, they are making money. Did you know that you can make ectasy tablets out of the cleaning products under your sink! Surely that has to have some effect on your opinion towards them. There are so many dangers to them and you just don't know if you have that one bad one! You'd be as well play Russian Reullet!

    One bit of advice I would give to anyone on this site that is doing drugs like that is:

    Please try not to drink too much, if you aren't being that active on ectasy then just drink a glass of water an hour as you don't want to flood your body. If you are jumping about like a nutter, as most peeps do, then drink a litre of water an hour but space it out, don't just drink that in one go. Plus avoid alcohol as this dehydrate your body more!

    Most importantly if you start to feel bad in anyway ie the extreme hotness that I spoke about before please seek medical attention, I didn't for fear of what my parents would think and am lucky to be here, very lucky, but please no-one else take that same risk.

    If you couldn't tell I have strong feelings about drugs because of what happend and because of all the people that I have known that have died due to them. It's alot more common than you think.

    Take Carexx


    "Of all the things I've lost I miss my mind the most!"

  4. #14
    Join Date
    Mar 2004
    , , United Kingdom.
    hi im not gonna tell you off but it will counteract your depression as ecstacy is proven to cause depression. long term. i used to take for 3 years plus other stuff. if you mix you could die,fit etc. very dangerous! having anxiety im surprised you wasnt worried about it! ecstacy paisng seretonin so does anti ds, tooo much too soon could cause damages. love aprilxx


  5. #15
    Join Date
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    <b id="quote">quote:</b id="quote"><table border="0" id="quote"><tr id="quote"><td class="quote" id="quote">Well I went and I had a good time.
    I'm really sorry, it feels like I've let you all down ... I did take bits and bobs at the festival, and the main reaosn is this:

    Being a melancholic and anxious girl I find it incredibly painful and sad when I'm feeling horribly depressed and I can't fit in or interract with other people, and as I'm sure most people who visit this site understand that you can feel very lonely in a room full of your friends. Well this weekend I felt like I just wanted to be 'normal' and do the things that everyone else seems to be able to do with little or no trouble. And I felt quite stable and cheery and wanted to make the most of that feeling and not always be the one saying no.

    I'm not about to start behaving this way every weekend, but I don't have any regrets about it. For me it is such a big thing to actually go into crowds and have fun and loose my inhibitions and fears, and just feel like I fit in. I'm not going to do that every time I want to fit in though! That would surely be game over. And I'm not about to start recommending that anyone does take recreational drugs when they're on anti-depressants because all of our brains are so complex and different - and that just from day to day!

    <div align="right">Originally posted by bluedandylyon - 22 August 2005 : 14:31:06</div id="right">
    </td id="quote"></tr id="quote"></table id="quote">
    Firstly, you haven't let anyone down. It's your risk and entirely your decision, very much in the same way as if you went skydiving.

    I think it's honorable that you posted about this too, most people would just keep quiet about it, but I believe it's always important to assess the risks with any drugs you take, which is exactly your reason for posting. That's where much of the trouble lies though, most people don't know all of the risks.

    Jammie wrote a good post and layed down a very valid point about the russian roulette. I would agree with everything she says there.

    MDMA is probably one of the most unpredictable drugs out there. Not only that, but it's always mixed with other drugs (ketamine, LSD, heroin, household cleaning products, etc). I've spoken to many people who take it, or have done on a regular basis. Most have had some sort of scare down the line, and that's not just from overdose or a dodgy E. The truth is, it has some pretty unpleasent mental side effects. Anyone I know who has taken ecstasy on a moderate level in the past and still likes to give it a go every so often only do so about once or twice a year, because they know that any more than that is too much, the effect it has on your mind just isn't worth it.

    I wouldn't recommend this drug to anyone with anxiety or depression.

    It's still your decision, but it give it some thought before you go doing it again.


    'Security is mostly superstition. It does not exist in nature, nor do the children of men as a whole experience it. Avoiding Danger is no safer in the long run than outright exposure. Life is either a daring adventure, or nothing.'

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