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Thread: Benefits Re instated.

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2010

    Benefits Re instated.

    Dear all

    I know many of us are struggling to get any benefit just now, I have had a nightmare with mine, they have caused me more anxiety which just goes to show how little understanding they have.

    Anyway last night I got a call from the DWP to say they would reinstate my money. I have sick notes going back to September and received nothing. You can imagine the strain this has caused on the household budget.

    My appeal is being heard in June and they said I wouldn;t receive any money until then.

    But I have fought with MP's and written to Mr Cameron. I didn't really need all the stress but at least I am getting a few pennies which will ease some of my anxiety.

    My advise for those struggling to claim - keep fighting, they are just being difficult and seeing if you really need the money.

    Hope this helpsx

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2010

    Re: Benefits Re instated.

    So glad to hear you have won your battle ditzy. And is refreshing to hear they have listened to you. x
    can't even go the nuthouse cause she's allergic to it!!

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2008

    Re: Benefits Re instated.

    dixzzy i was on esa for my anxiety but they took me off it as i didnt pass the medical the dwp send u too. i did apeal but i lost but i didnt fight my claim as i didnt know how or wat to say so now i cant claim esa even tho my anxiety is really bad and even tho my doc has said i am not capable to go to work and i have to sign on the dole every fortnite which i hate going because of my anxiety

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Feb 2010

    Re: Benefits Re instated.

    Tricia - that is what they said to me too hun, I got soo mad coz the Atos guy told me not to be forced into work either especially with all I have going on with my inlaws.

    All I can suggest is to not give up the fight. I can honestly say I didn't think I would get anywhere at all.

    I feel sorry for the GPs' they are the ones who see us in this state and do there best to help us ( well some do anyway) but what a waste of their time if they write a sick note etc only for it to be ignored. Infact DWP have lost mine!!!!

    Tricia - at least you are getting some benefit - i was getting nothing as i can't to the office let alone stand in a queue. I am doing pretty well but not quite at that level yet!!!

    Keep fighting hun and talk to your GP about it.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    May 2008

    Re: Benefits Re instated.

    Congratulations on winning your battle with this bunch Ditzy

    I took them on when they insisted that my daughter was able to receive "work-related activities" ESA-she is registered disabled and gets the high rate of DLA for both care and mobility.
    She is unable to go anywhere by herself, is on tons of medication including injections (at time of medical was on 5 injections per day) but was still considered suitable for these mysterious work activities.

    I fought them tooth and nail for a few months and eventually won. The appeal didn't even get as far as the panel and the woman who rang me to tell me the decision said..wait for it.."you should never have been put through this and this appeal should not have been necessary". Pfft.

    What I would strongly suggest to anyone that is has been asked to go for an Atos medical for ESA is to find out your rights of appeal beforehand.
    There are forms that tell you how to appeal, CAB should be able to advise you (although they were totally useless in our case)..make sure you're prepared so if you are turned down, you can lodge an appeal straight away.

    Get as much info from whoever is involved in looking after you, GP, CPN, therapist..they tend to try and ignore sick notes so get as much back up as you can in the way of explanatory letters.

    Good luck people
    We will NEVER surrender comrade, remember always..actions speak louder than words!!

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jul 2008

    Re: Benefits Re instated.

    Well done Ditzy I'm sorry that you have had to fight so hard. I was on incapacity benefit a long time ago and I was taken off it when I was seven months pregnant and told I was fit for work. I had high blood pressure so my incapacity benefit was reinstated for a while but removed after my son was born. I was very ill after my son was born and narrowly avoided hospital admission. I have been ill since then but have fought very hard not to be in that position again. I have a husband who works so it isn't too much of a disaster if I can't. I currently work part time. I wish you well Ditzy and hope that they back date the money that they owe you. EJ.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Feb 2010

    Re: Benefits Re instated.

    Thank you guys for your kindness, I will carry on fighting to get more recognition for people with anxiety - we know how horrid it can be.

    But just now wht with the awful week I have had fighting with my inlaws GP I am exhausted.

    I have to say DWP timing is spot on - I need some cheering up just now, but they don't have the right to put people through this.

    Deep breaths and keep going I guess!!!!x

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