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Thread: trying to lose weight on Citalopram

  1. #21
    Join Date
    Oct 2008

    Re: trying to lose weight on Citalopram

    This stuff causes your Metabolism to slow down .Also Sweet AND carb cravings .These things turn into fat and are stored .If you cut down or avoid them you will loose a bit of weight but not much .Excercise regularly and it will help increase metabolic rate . Sue

  2. #22

    Re: trying to lose weight on Citalopram

    Hello guys and girls!

    I'm 36 and have been on Cipramil for several years. I'm now off them, and trying to lose my bellyfat through exercise. I've only started though. I'm slim, except for my belly and face, which have put on some fat. I dunno if it was the pills or my sweet tooth combined with a very lazy life that made me gain weight though.

    Here's what I've learned so far.

    Besides healthy, varied eating habits (diets don't work) the best way to lose overall body fat is to combine high-intensity cardio such as interval training on threadmill, with strength training. Why strength training? Because it helps you build more lean muscle mass. And the more muscle you have, the more calories you burn. Muscles burn fat by just being there, so the more of it you have, the more you burn. Even when you're resting.

    And remember, you can't spot reduce fat loss. The body controls where you lose fat first. In most cases, the belly fat comes off last. That's just the way it is.

    Good luck, guys!
    Last edited by Thomas75; 12-03-11 at 01:39.

  3. #23

    Re: trying to lose weight on Citalopram

    I gained weight while on Citalopram - going from regular exercise and great shape, best of my life, to the worst shape I've been in my whole life, and around 50 lbs gain (not muscle ). But, in all honesty, other factors contributed to that as well. The Citalopram made it easier for me to not care as much, perhaps, which didn't help with maintaining my health. And, after being off Citalopram for approx 4 months now, my weight hasn't drastically reduced just by being off the drug alone. Contributed to weight gain? perhaps. But only because, for some reason, it was easier to not care as much.
    Last edited by ashrelive; 14-03-11 at 11:01.

  4. #24

    Re: trying to lose weight on Citalopram

    It seems that it's impossible to automatically lose the fat you gained from the medication when you stop taking the pills. Fat gained from medication, be it due to eating or the pills themselves, act like any other fat. It has to be exercised away. Unfortunately!

    I hope the stories about how fat gained from anti-depressants are harder to lose, are untrue.

    I've started to eat healthy 24/7 and I go to the gym 5 days a week. So time will tell!

    Best of luck to you guys!

  5. #25
    Join Date
    Jan 2011

    Re: trying to lose weight on Citalopram

    Is it not a case of you eat poor when you are depresed anxious and when the tabs kick in you feel better and eat more ? I lost 1.5 stone but put it back on since being on cit . I,m now at just under 16 stone and at 6 feet 2 is about what i feel right at .

    The way i,ve always lost weight is to count calories . If i have say 3000 calories aday and maintain weight ....i cut down to say 2500 and if i lose a few ponds i stick to these calories ,if i start to maintain instead of lose i drop the calories . Dead easy if you can stick to the calories and not cheat .
    You can also eat not enough and your metabolism slows down and you lose nothing .

  6. #26

    Re: trying to lose weight on Citalopram

    Quote Originally Posted by H22 View Post
    Eating less probably isn't helping, try eating more healthy, well balanced meals along with exercise and you should start to see effect once the tablets have settled in maybe?
    Sorry i can't be of more help x
    Yeah thats the right tip to lose and gain weight both...
    Eat healthy with lite exercise would make you normal and fit as you want to see your self...

  7. #27

    Re: trying to lose weight on Citalopram

    Before on any medication I lost about 60 lbs. no problem. Then I was diagnosed with depression/ocd/and anxiety and was placed on Lexapro. I have no insurance so I was switched to Citalopram about 7 years ago. Since then I have gained back the 60 lbs plus another ten without changing my diet. Now I am trying so hard to lose weight with my second time on Weight Watchers along with my mom. She is losing weight, we are eating the same things and I'm not losing anything. Of course she isn't on Citalopram.

  8. #28

    Re: trying to lose weight on Citalopram

    Have you tried slimming pills?

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