I loved it.
I found the comics to delightful. I could relate so much to the characters.
It's easy to read and understand.
It's well worth printing out the ebooks.
I started it when I got the free trial.
The mistakes I made was trying to go through it too fast and not sticking with it.
But it did help me when I was having actual panic attacks. There is a panic attack page which you fill out. You write down your thoughts and feels and it really helped me see how I was being irrational. it helped me really see all the awful thoughts I was having and how 99% of my what if's had a 1% of actually happening to me.
I do hope to restart it and put in more efort in this time.
I've had anxiety a good 12 years or more now.
I have read countless amounts of self-help books, besides one other book, this has been the only other thing that has actually help me.
I would highly recommend this to anyone.