Venlafaxine should not be prescribed by a GP unless it is under specialist supervision.

I have know friends who have been on it and their weight has ballooned. Also they had real problems trying to come off of it.

I was prescribed it today by my GP. It wasn't until I got home that I realised what it was. I went into the surgery asking for a AD that didn't cause sexual side effects, and guess what, Efexor does. Needless to say, I don't want to be fat (fatter) and impotent and have retarded ejaculation. Been there done that on Lustral, never again.

I'm changing my doctor's surgery now. I have had enough of the mistakes my current one makes at my expense.

Blue -
"Your truth is better for you than someone else's. Just get to know what it is, so you can finally own it, and speak it."