I'm sorry you're having such a rough time. I know how much something as supposedly small as an upset stomach can turn into a nightmare. I had a stomach virus hit me a couple of years ago which helped trigger horrendous panic attacks - so bad I lost 30 pounds in a month. It was a terrible time, as I'm sure you can understand, BUT - after taking care of myself, finding a good counselor who helped me thru some issues that I had been stuffing inside, and with the wonderful people on this site - it got much better!

I'm not sure of your issues with seeing a GP, but one of the most important things for me was to find out that, indeed, all of the twinges, palpitations, tingles, and other wierd symptoms were but a product of stress. For me, that was a breakthrough, but it took a while before I finally believed it!

Find a friend, here on the site, where you live, or whatever, but try to find if there is anything you are stuffing inside, and get it out. That was the big one for me. I remember on my very first post here, I prattled on about how wonderful my life was, so why was this happening to me?

Well, I was lying to myself, because it wasn't all that wonderful, and living a lie will absolutely drive you crazy. It did me. Try as much as you are able to be totally honest with yourself. It can be unbelievably hard, but the benefits are so worth it.

Stay in touch with the folks here. Although few remain from when I had my terrible time, the ones that are here now are just as wonderful and caring.

Good luck, and hang in there!


It is better to be a free bird than a captive king...