Yes, it was rubbish. It had no effect on me at all which is a shame because like you I thought it sounded a wonder drug after looking it up. It was the last "natural" thing I tried before admitting defeat and getting proper medication from the doctor.

By all means give it a try, I'm sure my own mental health had deteriorated so much by that point nothing other than full-on drugs would help me However I would ask your GP, if it can be prescribed (not sure if it can, but worth asking) then you are guaranteed a proper dosage rather than the vagueness of buying it from health stores and the likes.

From my experience you're better off from a natural point of view from doing lots of exercise and maybe trying some CBT or meditation. For me, exercise to the point it hurts has been like doubling the dose of my medication, very effective.

Edit. You also have to wonder if it was such a wonderful drug why doctors don't prescribe it as a first line medication?