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Thread: So endoscopy is inevitable, please help

  1. #11
    Join Date
    Jan 2011

    Re: So endoscopy is inevitable, please help


    am about every day Jessie usually not far away xx

    Dahlia is the one who knows .......and take heart from her experience and advice

    you will do it my love will and be amazed at yourself

  2. #12
    Dahlia is offline Intermediate Member
    Join Date
    Jun 2008

    Re: So endoscopy is inevitable, please help

    Well, it was Snowgoose's and Shoegal's wonderful support that got me through

  3. #13

    Re: So endoscopy is inevitable, please help

    Hi Jessie,

    A year and a half ago I went through exactly the same situation you are experiencing now. I fell bloated most of the time and started having stomach pains - straight away, I started to think 'What if it's stomach cancer?!' and quickly convinced myself I did have stomach cancer. I went for my first endoscopy in December 2010 -a few weeks after my symptoms started- and the doctor found I had an inflammation in the lining of the stomach and prescribed omeprazol. They also took a small sample of the stomach tissue and although tests did not provide any alarming results, I would now worry that by worrying I was going to make myself develop stomach cancer...

    Eventually I managed to relax and after 4 months I went for a second endoscopy and the doctors did not find any inflammation, everything looked perfect. Looking back I am 100% sure the inflammation was caused because of the stress I put myself through by thinking I had cancer.

    The first endoscopy wasn't fun, I am not going to lie, but hey, I survived! Five minutes and it was all done. I did panic a bit during the procedure because I did not know what to expect, and I had the feeling I could not breathe and did not how long it was going to last, and well, it is a bit intrusive and makes you gag. The second time round I was a bit anxious because of the first experience, but it turn out to be just fine. I just kept on thinking, well, it is going to be over in 2 minutes, and it was! It really, really helped me to concentrate on my breathing. Really, don't worry; it really is not that bad as people think. In fact, if I had to have one done tomorrow, I would not even spend one minute of my time worrying about it.

  4. #14
    Join Date
    Mar 2009

    Re: So endoscopy is inevitable, please help

    Well, I am a little iron deficient. I am actually anaemic, or i was at last blood test. This is possibly because for the last 2 years I have had pretty severe bleeding due to peri menopause. I had a polyp removed last october and still bled all the time until I had mirena coil fitted in March and now no more bleeding, instead my breasts are so painful I wake up even turning over in bed at night, I have bladder irritation, weight gain and anxiety thru the roof! Not sure this is progress but I guess its better than bleeding forever!

    Also on reading a lot about it apparently omeprazole long term can cause you not to absorb vit B12 which can lead to anaemia (or something like that) So possibly this is also to do with my anaemia.

    One thing I just dont understand about doctors though. I have put off seeing a specialist for nearly 2 years because I knew they would insist on me having this test. If I had something serious I could die as a result of the delay, yet the fear stops me from going, I cant help it it just does! Why are doctors so unadaptable? Why couldnt they send me for a barium x ray first in case that was enough to diagnose my condition. I understand it isnt as conclusive, but it may suffice. I had one 30 yrs ago and would go for this tomorrow, no worries. If I have a haitus hernia or reflux or ulcer or even a tumour this would show up on barium x ray. Why cant the doctor try this test first considering my feelings. The risk is always going to be that I dont end up going somehow. I mean I will try to, but I never know what will happen. When the panic sets in my fight or flight reaction takes over. So my point is wouldnt something be better than nothing? Why cant they try to be more understanding? I really also feel that I am being forced into this test, which makes me resist it even more as I feel totally out of control and as an axiety patient this is also a terrifying thought.

    Mirena, did you have sedation for the endoscopy? If I experience any gagging the deal will be off I am afraid, my phobia is so powerful it keeps me from doing everyday things. It isnt just a slight fear it is a life changing phobia that has totally ruined my life, so to have to go through it when I can avoid it is just a rediculous thought. They better have some good drugs in the department that day!

  5. #15

    Re: So endoscopy is inevitable, please help

    Hey Jessie,

    No, I did not have any sedation just because I did not want to, but it is offered if you need one. You see, for me is the opposite case, the thought of being sedated makes me a bit uneasy, I guess because I have never been sedated; and on the other hand, I don't have any problem with gaging, in fact it gives me a sense of relief I know, odd

    Don't worry, everything will be just fine!!

  6. #16
    Join Date
    Mar 2009

    Re: So endoscopy is inevitable, please help

    Well, I thought it would probably be due to that, although you obviously have a better understanding of the conditions. I need to get my blood checked again to see if my iron has come back up since bleeding has stopped, but guess what, too scared to in case it hasnt! Health anxiety is a drag isnt it?

    I am struggling today girls. I have been really unwell last 2 days. My acid has gone ballistic, I just cant control it and I am so sure i have something serious now or I will have by having this ongoing acid burning my oesophagus. I must admit, I dont know if I can get through this. Its not just the procedure but the time in between. I havent even heard from the hospital yet re an appointment and that is with private insurance! How will I get through the next 2, 3 weeks or whatever and then through the procedure itself? Also, if this acidity is due to stress, or even just imagined or exaggerated by my own mind, then there will be nothing that can help me anyway. I will have gone through all that and still feel like this every day of my life. Whats the point?? I feel really low and am not really able to go about my normal day. I really think I am going to end up being admitted to hospital with my anxiety and depression as I struggle everyday just to cope with life. I dont think I can take much more and do feel pretty desperate. Maybe I need to tell the doctor how really desperate I feel. I am just too ashamed to do it.

  7. #17
    Join Date
    Jun 2011

    Re: So endoscopy is inevitable, please help

    Hey, try not to worry I went through the same as you, fortunately I was on tablets for 6 months and it went, I was worried I had stomach cancer, but my friend died from stomach cancer when she was 13 and she didn't have these symptoms, she was in hospital she was in so much agony, hope all goes well, I'm sure they will sort it for you xxx p.s didn't want to scare you with that message I just meant that the symptoms are different even though if you look online it mentions cancer if you are a long term sufferer of indigestion and things, it's so rare! And the Internet isn't a doctor xxx

  8. #18
    Join Date
    Mar 2009

    Re: So endoscopy is inevitable, please help

    So, endoscopy appointment is tomorrow! I am obviously petrified. I can only try my best to get the sedation and see what happens, but if I know anything about it that will be it. I am not fighting my way through the gagging, no way, so its up to the medical staff now to do their job and get me through this. Also petrified of what they will find and the time i will have to wait to hear what is wrong with me. Horrid times. Feel very low and hopeless. After this what then, treatment doesnt work, so whats next surgery? just got to live like it, I dunno, all seems pointless right now.

    Thanks again everyone for all your contributions, it been really helpful. I am going alone tomorrow, so having your help is great. Havent even told my husband yet as he isnt too great when im unwell, so its a lonely time for me!

  9. #19
    Join Date
    Jan 2011

    Re: So endoscopy is inevitable, please help

    HI Jessie
    So sorry you are feeling so wretched and scared
    Is there no one who will go with you ? it seems awful you should be alone .tell your husband Jessie ...........he must know something is up and will be torturing himself maybe wondering why you are even more distressed .
    remember you are in charge here and can say no if it gets too much . I do believe that the staff will look after you well .......just make sure you tell everyone you are in contact with that you need sedation and anti emetics .......and gentle kindness . It is over very quickly .

    I am around later morning if you need to vent Jessie or need a cyber hug and hand hold . I will be thinking of you and sending lots of positivity to you .
    By this time tomorrow it will be over and then with a diagnosis you can be helped [and it wont be cancer ]

    hold on and breathe deep xxxx

  10. #20
    Join Date
    Mar 2009

    Re: So endoscopy is inevitable, please help

    Thank you, my lovely, you really have been such a help to me. I cant thank you enough! I didnt want to tell my husband this time as I have had so many things in the last few years, I think he has kinda had enough of it all. I dont know why, but he just seems to go cold on me while I am going through these tests. He doesnt want to talk about it, so he just never mentions it and if I do he changes the subject. I decided this time I would rather have him be normal around me and have the comfort of that rather than feel the coldness and loneliness of when you expect someone to understand and comfort you but they pull back. It has worked well so far and actually I am not showing any signs of being more distressed. I feel calm and resigned at the moment, but still not sure I will go through with it, but as agreed I will go, get the ultrasound first and the sedation and see what happens. Thats the deal I made and I will try and keep to it. Also he is busy with work and wont really want to have to make changes at short notice. No I will go alone and I will call after and get someone to come pick me up as I doubt I will be able to drive. Also then no one will see the drama that may ensue and also if I bottle out only I will know!!

    That is why your support is so important to me, please never forget how you helped me.


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