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Thread: Restless Leg Syndrome?

  1. #1

    Restless Leg Syndrome?

    My legs ache, jump and feel like they are being stretched!
    This happens whenever I sit down, which makes it impossible to sit still and also hard to sleep at night. Paracetamol doesnt help, any ideas would be great or even if someone else has this?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2008

    Re: Restless Leg Syndrome?

    Avoid caffeine in the Evening and if you smoke dont smoke as much or pack up .I find just getting up walking about helps .I also take co-codamol ,that seems to help .Nothing much you can do about it apart from that ..It drives me nuts some nights and I have to get out of bed and come downstairs .Usually settles as im so tired, I fall asleep in the end .Some Medications can cause it ,but the above certainly does too .Hope you find something here that helps .T/c Sue

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2010

    Re: Restless Leg Syndrome?

    I get this constantly, as does another friend of mine who suffers from anxiety. It's just another fun thing that comes with the territory. Like suzy-sue said, avoid caffeine and energy drinks, and try not to smoke a lot. These really do have an impact. Also give yoga or meditation a try. It worked wonders for me
    - A.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jan 2011

    Re: Restless Leg Syndrome?

    My husband has this awful affliction ...drives him nuts and sometimes his legs jerk so badly I think he is fitting .
    went to doctor and got meds for it [lower dose of meds used for parkinsons disease but no link to that illness must add ] very well indeed .
    I think it is linked to dopamine levels in the brain so can see why so many of us suffer from it . it makes sleep impossible I know.....horrid .
    also he avoids too much exercise at night and hot baths before retiring and uses a pillow to prop his legs up . hope this helps xx

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Sep 2010

    Re: Restless Leg Syndrome?

    Hi there,
    My hubby used to have reatless legs. He would be asleep and his legs were twitching all the time.which was driving me up the wall.
    He also has benign tremour in his hands. Anyone watching him would think he has parkinsons --but he has not.
    The doc prescibed him small doses of antidepresents.
    The meds have stopped the restless legs, but not the hand tremours.
    this gets worse when he is worked up.
    He also takes a beaterblocker.(maybe spelt wrong)
    It does not affect everyday life as such
    It's just one of those things
    Love to all

  6. #6

    Re: Restless Leg Syndrome?

    Thankyou everyone, I dont smoke but will try and not drink caffiene in the evenings. I agree with cocodamol, that does sometimes help. Perhaps Yoga will help too, will look into classes? Did try taking the dog for a walk before bedtime but that seems to make it worse
    Thanks again

  7. #7

    Re: Restless Leg Syndrome?

    I have both RLS and PLMS (Periodic Leg Movement Syndrome) Which in spite of its name, involves restless legs, arms head and body. Talk about sleepless nights! I found more information here:
    The Environmental Illness Resource | Information & Community

  8. #8
    Join Date
    May 2005
    , , United Kingdom.

    Re: Restless Leg Syndrome?

    Medications like prozac can cause restless legs I get this myself and when I went to the sleep disorders clinic at St Thomas hospital london they gave me meds to take one of them was melatonin and another that they use to treat Parkinsons! I stopped taking them tho.They did work but my mother who also gets restless legs said her GP said it was not a good idea to take medications for Parkinsons when you don't have it! but when I come off prozac the restless legs went anyway tho it comes and goes now and again but nowhere as bad as before.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Oct 2011

    Re: Restless Leg Syndrome?

    I've got this from being on anti-depressants, drives me bonkers :0)

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