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Thread: Swallowed a bit of plastic fork :(

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2009

    Swallowed a bit of plastic fork :(

    I ate about 3mm of the end of a plastic fork and now im super anxious, shaking and scared.

    I called NHS Direct and they said it should be fine but keep an eye on it over the next few days but that didnt help, im still really panicky

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2008

    Re: Swallowed a bit of plastic fork :(

    3mm? you should be fine
    Kids swallow things ALL the time, mostly it's just a game of waiting it out until it passes through.
    It's way to small to do any damage. Plus the nurse said it should be ok.
    I guess you could always ask your doctor if you still were worried.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2011

    Re: Swallowed a bit of plastic fork :(

    I'm sorry I know it's an anxiety forum but people on here are afraid of having MS or ALS and you are talking about swallowing a 3mm part of a fork? seriously...

  4. #4

    Re: Swallowed a bit of plastic fork :(

    Dont worry it will be perfectly fine.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Aug 2010

    Re: Swallowed a bit of plastic fork :(

    My then 2 yr old son did - infact he bit into a plastic spoon whilst eating icecream and we only recovered a few pieces from his mouth. He was most upset as he wanted to continue eating ice-cream. He was and is fine and must have a few plastic bits floating around inside lol

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Oct 2007

    Re: Swallowed a bit of plastic fork :(

    Don't worry it can't perforate anything, think of pieces of nuts that you eat they are bigger than that and very sharp. Because of your ha you will panic at anything that could potentially affect your health. I once bit into a black banana without looking and was worried it would make me ill and I posted on here and I got some lovely replies telling me I would be okay and of course I was , I realised it was okay but just needed the reassurance of someone telling me that and not making fun of me.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jul 2009

    Re: Swallowed a bit of plastic fork :(

    Quote Originally Posted by Andyreww View Post
    I'm sorry I know it's an anxiety forum but people on here are afraid of having MS or ALS and you are talking about swallowing a 3mm part of a fork? seriously...
    That's a bit unfair Andrew considering probably none of the people on here who worry about these things actually have them. Perhaps spare a thought for those who do before you criticise other people for their fears.

    She said, I'm tired of the war
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  8. #8
    Join Date
    Apr 2010

    Re: Swallowed a bit of plastic fork :(

    Quote Originally Posted by Andyreww View Post
    I'm sorry I know it's an anxiety forum but people on here are afraid of having MS or ALS and you are talking about swallowing a 3mm part of a fork? seriously...
    We're not here to judge, we're here to support. It's not fair to rate one person's anxiety over another, everybody's fears are equal because they are precisely that, fears! Like JaneC says those worrying about those illnesses do not actually have them, so it's no different to seeking reassurance about a bit of plastic!

    I hope in future you put a little more thought into what you are saying before you write, and think about the impact of what you have written could have on the OP.
    can't even go the nuthouse cause she's allergic to it!!

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Apr 2003
    , , United Kingdom.

    Re: Swallowed a bit of plastic fork :(

    Quote Originally Posted by Andyreww View Post
    I'm sorry I know it's an anxiety forum but people on here are afraid of having MS or ALS and you are talking about swallowing a 3mm part of a fork? seriously...
    I think you will find there are very few people on here with worries about MS or ALS to be honest and that comment was unfair on Piers.

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  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jun 2011

    Re: Swallowed a bit of plastic fork :(

    I swallowed my tongue stud once...I still beep going through the metal detector in the airport......

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    2. To carry on despite hardships or trauma; persevere
    3. To remain functional or usable 1. To live longer than; outlive
    2. To live, persist, or remain usable through
    3. To cope with (a trauma or setback); persevere after

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