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Thread: Reassurance

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    , , United Kingdom.


    I dont mean to post about this again,
    But I am getting concerned......
    My head Pains are back with a vengence this week!
    I have been doing so well for about 3 weeks
    but now they are back and I feel really stressed about them.

    I am convinced it is something sinister!
    It firghtens me and no matter how much I try and convince myself its nothing to worry about, there is this little voice at the back of my mind that questions it!

    It goes up the back of my nexk and then i get sharp pains in the forhead at the side anywhere really!

    I sometimes feel like something needs to pop, or I picture drilling a hole in my head to release it!

    I have been to the docs many a time about this but she just says it is stress. I must admit I havent been back for a while as i think she is sick of the site of!

    sorry for the long post and the constant whining


    Hay x

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2005
    , , United Kingdom.
    She is right, it is stress, sounds like tension headaches to me which are a very common symptom of anxiety,when i used to get them i felt like someone had my head in a vice and was turning the handle. You have to remember that you upper back, should and neck muscles are all large muscles which lie very close to each other and that your muscles also go over your skull in the form of your scalp and when these muscles are tense it will cause one belter of a headache, there are certain symptoms that allow a doc to differentiate between serious and non serious headaches and yours has told you its not serious, painful but NOT serious. Try taking a long hot soak in the bath or have a massage, back and shoulders or indian head massage, oh and normal simple analgesia dont tend to be affective with this type of headache and in fact can sometimes cause rebound headaches if taken continously,hope this helps.

    I just want my life back

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Feb 2006
    , , United Kingdom.

    you cant help no one can on here and belive me we have all been like you, and still are.

    A few years ago i have the same symptoms as you it drove me crazy, thinking i had a tumour.. and the thing is the pain was so so bad, i used to think well how can it be anything other then that,, i convinced myself..
    but it went eventually and years on im here to tell the tale.. i know what you are have been to the doctors sweety, you do have an illness thats true, but its General Anxiety ..i promise.
    To reassure your self, go back to the doctors for a second opioun.. to ease your troubled mind..but haylesi do belive that is what you have.


  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    , , United Kingdom.
    Thank Nell,

    That does help.
    Its funny how a bit of reassurance goes a long way x

    Hay x

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Nov 2005
    , , United Kingdom.
    good im glad i could help and yes a bit of reassurance does go a long way, try to put aside a set time each day for your health worries and dont allow yourself to think about them until that time, eventually you will find that by the time it gets to your set time you will have forgotton about that particular symptom or else something else will have happened to take your mind of it, believe me it works, you have to be stron and firm with yourself at the start but it does get easier.

    I just want my life back

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jan 2006
    , , United Kingdom.
    hi ya hayles i ahve the same thing, your doc is right stress and tention cfan do funnythings to your body and the more you think about it the more intense the pain gets, the other are right hun

    hope you feel better soon

    dont worry about today, for today was the tomorrow you worried about yeaterday

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    , , United Kingdom.
    Thanks everyone for your responses.
    Nell....what a great idea i will allocate a small amount of time
    to think about my health every day.....

    I have a medical next week which I am really nervous about, in case they confirm any of my fears, and it also my final councelling session....very nervy week next week!! x

    Hay x

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