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Thread: Scared cause I've had too many cat scans and X-rays don't wanna get cancer

  1. #21

    Re: Scared cause I've had too many cat scans and X-rays don't wanna get cancer

    Thanks country girl ~ its funny cuz I've never been to the doctor my entire life until I did my ivf treatments and then only for my double vision and once to the ER for my first migraine ... I eat organic exercise use organic products on my hair and skin and exercise ... I wish I would have had the knowledge to say no to tests that could have increased my risk for cancer .. I went to the ER cuz I never had a headache like that b4 .. Was pretty scarey ..anyway I appreciate your kind words more then you know .. I will try to move on from this for the sake of my family ..I hope you are right and the risk is tiny I have read its probably around 2- 3. % but I guess nobody really knows .. Thanks again .

  2. #22
    Join Date
    Jan 2012

    Re: Scared cause I've had too many cat scans and X-rays don't wanna get cancer

    I'm really scared. I am really upset. I can't enjoy my life now. I am extremely depressed an worried that I have ruined my life. I don't know what to do. I am going crazy inside . I feel sick and I am extremely upset my doctor never told me there was a huge risk like this. :(
    I'm about to cry.

  3. #23

    Re: Scared cause I've had too many cat scans and X-rays don't wanna get cancer

    Quote Originally Posted by Worriedgirl87 View Post
    I'm seriously so scared im gonna get cancer, icant take
    This anymore
    Worried ~ im sorry you have to go through this too.. I wish there was something I could dO or say to make you feel a little better .. All we can do is pray and leave it up to God .. I have made myself so sick over this and I am losing out on the important things in life like my family ..You can't change anything from the past what's done is done and for you I know you will just fine will be in my thoughts and prayers always . And I will always be here if you need to talk but we have to try and go forward .. I know easier said then done but we have to try ..

  4. #24
    Join Date
    Oct 2007

    Re: Scared cause I've had too many cat scans and X-rays don't wanna get cancer

    Worried , you have not been put at huge risk- you have possibly been put at slight risk and maybe not even that.

    Why waste your life and ruin it by worrying about something you cannot change and probably won't happen???

    I feel for you as you are in severe panic mode and just cannot take in what any of us are posting but please try and answer my question to yourself and hope it will make you calm down.

  5. #25
    Join Date
    Jan 2012

    Re: Scared cause I've had too many cat scans and X-rays don't wanna get cancer

    I just can't help but worry country girl.
    I feel like I have been raped.
    The doctor never told the risks about this cAt scan.
    I feel cheated. I cant stop reading information on the Internet,
    I cant stop worrying. I can't study. I cant do anything country girl.
    So worried in gonna get a brain tumor
    Lukemia from these 2 cat scans. I am seriously worried sick .

    I don't know I just wish I never did this

  6. #26
    Join Date
    Jan 2012

    Intrusive Thoughts about getting cancer

    Hi everyone.
    I'm shaken with severe anxiety.

    I've had two cat scans done in my life and I am worried about the possible reaction from the radiation.

    I had one cat scan on my appendix when I was 18, the other cat scan of my brain A few weeks ago.

    I've. Been gooling all over the Internet and have scared myself silly .
    I haven't slept in 2 days. I am worried sick I will get likemia or a brain tumor. now thet I've a gotten a cat scan.

    I didn't know about The risks of cat scans so that's why I got one.
    I can't stop obsessing over this.

    Pleaseeeeeese someone talk to me.
    I can't stop obsessing over it.

    I am
    Worried sick about this and really am confused .

  7. #27
    Join Date
    Mar 2012

    Re: Intrusive Thoughts about getting cancer

    Hello worried girl. I'm not to good on OCD but stormsky is really good on this subject so maybe you could ask her about it.


  8. #28
    Join Date
    Jan 2012

    Re: Intrusive Thoughts about getting cancer

    I'm Serioisly freakkng out :(
    I'm scared . And can't enjoy life

  9. #29
    Join Date
    Apr 2003
    , , United Kingdom.

    Re: Intrusive Thoughts about getting cancer

    I will merge this with the post you did yesterday on the same thing as you had loads of replies on there so have a read of them again

    “Don't be afraid of death; be afraid of an unlived life. You don't have to live forever, you just have to live.” - Natalie Babbitt

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  10. #30
    Join Date
    Jun 2009

    Re: Scared cause I've had too many cat scans and X-rays don't wanna get cancer

    Whether you are at greater risk or not there is nothing, not a thing, you can do about it now. You can take steps to prevent further risk (e.g. living a healthy lifestyle and avoiding further exposure) but there is nothing you can do to solve what's been and done. So why worry?

    We all have a chance of getting cancer, its very treatable and manageable and it's not something to spend your days panicking over. Doing so will only make you feel more ill.

    Do *not* google. If you feel you need advice please talk to your GP or another appropriate professional but don't just google. The information has to be taken in the context of a medical understanding and will be influenced by your own patient history - neither of these things you have an expert knowledge on, so can't interpret what you are reading correctly, that and you are not thinking rationally.

    So do yourself a favour firstly and put the PC down for at least a few hours. Go and have a bath or shower. Get something to eat, get a drink, watch a funny film. Make an appointment to see the doctor and have a chat about things, see if you can get this sorted.

    You can beat this worry, but only if you allow yourself to and only if you try x
    Present fears are less than horrible imaginings.
    William Shakespeare
    - What you fear in your head is not always true -
    I may take some time to reply to PMs/Messages but I will do it eventually, promise

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