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Thread: Weird head pains- has anyone experienced this??

  1. #1

    Weird head pains- has anyone experienced this??

    Have posted about this before but I still can't shake the worries and I have to hear if any one else is going thru the same...

    I have being experiencing head/scalp pain for around 5 months. It isn't a headache, it's more like a feeling than a pain. It's kinda hard to describe! sometimes it feels like a tightening on my skull, sometimes it's a light pain. And it's not on a specific part of the head, tho it happens alot exactly where I tie my ponytail. They occur for around 2-3 seconds. Anyway, this pain started right when my anxiety did (so logically I know they are connected), but since it's with me I can't shake off the fear of a brain tumour! I have been to the doctor and he didn't seem worried at all. He just brushed me off by saying "it's a tension headache" and showed me pictures of the human brain. Now I'm no doctor, but I have googled SO MUCH about headaches and head pain and to me it doesn't seem like I have them! He also asked me if I'm nauseous or throw up, thankfully I'm not. He said that if that's the case, then he's pretty sure there's nothing serious wrong with me.
    Logically, it DOES seem to me as though it isn't something serious, but if there's nothing wrong with me, why aren't they going away? my anxiety has been actually alot better for the past month or so (all the weight I lost a couple of months ago I put back on but they are definitely still there... I wonder if they were always present but because I have HA now I notice them more...
    My worst thought is, what IF there's something wrong with me, and because I'm not doing anything about it it's just getting worse.......?
    I'm also getting tingling in my feet tho I'm pretty sure that's also due to anxiety (have googled that also endlessly)
    I don't know if i should get a second opinion or not? I also forgot to mention that I also had blood work done and all was fine. Also had my blood pressure checked and that was good too. What do you think? does it sound serious or just HA???

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2011

    Re: Weird head pains- has anyone experienced this??

    I get all sorts of head pains including the ones you described, do you grind your teeth? Because it can all be caused by that.

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