YES! This is a regular feature of my anxeity/panic...

What i tend to do is press my tounge against the roof of my mouth. I do it without even thinking, but then it sort of stiffens, and all of a sudden i find i cant talk properly (really really frustrating in socail situations) , and it takes real concious effort to un-stick it.
Sometimes i've resorted to pulling weird faces to try and make it go back to normal. However, this feels really uncomfortable and can be a wee bit embarassing ... My preferred solution though is just to not force it, distract myself, sit and ride it out. Once i'm distracted enough i can start yammering away without even noticing its gone back to normal.
Recently, an odd thing has happened with it, though. Its become such a normal part of my anxiety, that once i register its happening im able to distance myself from the experience. Its such a familiar feeling - its like: "Oh, my tounges gone weird again. Must be anxiety. Here we are again." ... and then i can go about distracting myself. Maybe its 'cos its one of the less scary symptoms? Your tounge behaving weirdly is a lot less frightening than forgetting where you are!

Good to know its not just me, too!