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Thread: from citalopram to venlafaxine, good stories please!!!

  1. #811
    Join Date
    Sep 2008

    Re: from citalopram to venafaxine good stories please !!!

    It's interesting Nicola as I was the same as you. I took 37.5 but at night and the higher dose in the morning. I hope this is just a temporary adjustment though as I dont want to have to eat humble pie and go back on the others. : ( xx

  2. #812
    Join Date
    Sep 2011

    Re: from citalopram to venafaxine good stories please !!!

    You can still get them on slow release tho, ive just got them today x x
    You were given this life because you are strong enough to live it x x x x x x x x

  3. #813
    Join Date
    Apr 2011

    Re: from citalopram to venafaxine good stories please !!!

    hi guys, kate this will just be a blip, remember you have done so much more this past couple of weeks with the wedding etc.....and you might just be coming down from all the excitement, so don't worry too much, i am on day 7 on the caps, and feel ok, and don't want to think it will go pearshaped, i'm sure you will feel better in the next few days xx

    lett, i find the symptoms hard to explain as well, like a hopeless can't be bothered, and i got very dizzy with anxiety as well as nausea, also i still get the sweats on ven, bit hoping they will pass in time, keep going hun you are doing so well xx

    pip how are you today, really hope you are settling down again too, and enjoying this lovely weather with freddie xx
    scratch where are you ? slowfish and alfredo how are you both /

    been out today taking my mum to town for something to wear for our trip to edinburgh on thursday, then acme back, got the recliner out and chilled in the garden with ma wee dog.

    felt quite good today, definately better when i am buay, and looking forward to our long weekend away xx

  4. #814
    Join Date
    Nov 2011

    Re: from citalopram to venafaxine good stories please !!!

    Hi all,

    Feeling so much better than I did at the weekend. Still got the anxiety after effects which I always get but I'm getting back to where I was. It helps that Freddie's calmed down a lot - I was thinking I'd made an awful mistake but not anymore. He's lovely and turning out to be a great distraction (if very tiring!).

    Kate - seems strange that you're having these effects now - I'm pretty sure you'd have seen them in the first week. Could it just be having your grandson around and the change in routine? It really knocked me for six at the weekend.

    Nicola - what brand are your 37.5mg XR? I'd be interested to know.

    Pink - how are you today? I hope you're out enjoying the lovely weather.

    Missie - I think you're just experiencing the withdrawal/start up effects. It can be pretty unpleasant for a couple of weeks (my experience is that days 4-7 are the worst). Give it time and you'll start to feel much better - honest! Don't worry about asking us things. We're more than happy to share our experiences. My anxiety symptoms are very similar to yours: clenched jaw, tight and knotted feeling in stomach (this has to be one of the worst), racing heart, loss of appetite/concentration/motivation etc. I could go on but those are the main ones together with feeling really tense and generally ill. I know that it can be virtually unbearable but you can make it through and get back to where you were.

    Hi to all my ven buddies and thanks for being there the last few days

    Pip xxx
    Not drowning, but waving

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  5. #815
    Join Date
    Sep 2008

    Re: from citalopram to venafaxine good stories please !!!

    Ok Pip... thanks. Don't want you to be expecting anything. It'll be stress related I guess, plus I have my throat operation next Monday.
    Nicola, do you take a 75mg and 37.5 xl together then? xx

  6. #816
    Join Date
    Apr 2011

    Re: from citalopram to venafaxine good stories please !!!

    pip so glad you are feeling better and getting used to freddie being around, it just a case of accepting the change, and trying to enjoy it rather than dread it, hard i know, but sometimes change can be a good thing, something that is not anxiety related, such as wee freddie.

    i am doing really well pip thanks, looking forward to our long weekend away in edinburgh and enjoying this lovely sunshine.

    i promise you give it a week or so and you'll wonder how you lived withour your wee freddie take care xx

    ---------- Post added at 19:25 ---------- Previous post was at 19:22 ----------

    kate your op will be stressing you too hun, so all in all a very stressfull time for you, i agree with pip i would have thought you would have got the unpleasant effects the first week. good luck with your op on monday, and when that's over...another hurdle crossed.

    have a lovely time with your grandson, he looks soo cute xx

  7. #817
    Join Date
    Sep 2011

    Re: from citalopram to venafaxine good stories please !!!

    yep i take them both together in the morning, Pip the brand is venlalic XL xx
    You were given this life because you are strong enough to live it x x x x x x x x

  8. #818
    Join Date
    Oct 2010

    Re: from citalopram to venafaxine good stories please !!!

    Quote Originally Posted by nicola1980 View Post
    Kate i had the same prob on the 150mg, 2 wks into it and my anxiety rocketed so i had to reduce bk, just been given the slow release ones in 37.5 and 75mg x x
    Hi Nicola,

    I've been following this thread as after a recent relapse venlafaxine will be my next med if the sertraline increase doesn't.

    Had a chat with Pip about 37.5mg being available in slow release, so you can get them then? That's made me feel really relieved as I'm emetaphobic and couldn't handle vomiting as a side effect. Are they capsules or tablets? What make are they?

    Hope you feel better soon.


  9. #819
    Join Date
    Sep 2011

    Re: from citalopram to venafaxine good stories please !!!

    Hi haz there tablets and are called venlalic xr x x
    You were given this life because you are strong enough to live it x x x x x x x x

  10. #820
    Join Date
    Apr 2011

    Re: from citalopram to venafaxine good stories please !!!

    morning all, hope you are all doing ok this morning, i am going to get my hair done today before our trip to edinburgh tomorrow, not keen on the hairdressers tho' causes me anxiety, but with my diazapam to hand i will cope with it, and it badly needs done.

    it's a week into the effexor xl. and i must say not the miracle cure i expected lol, but am doing ok, it taked a long time to get rid of this completely, the one thing i notice more than anything is the increased sweating, which i thought might have got better with the caps, but no joy yet.

    for those of you just starting out, please give it time, i have found out that although a good ad, ven is not quick to kick in, or at least for me anyway xx

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