Hi All,

I know we all suffer from panic/anxiety and depression. We all know that so what's new?

Today -- yes this very morning -- let's start off by brushing our teeth with the other hand --- Let's break the OLD OLD habits that produce the SAME SAME results -- walk a different way to work or just do ANYTHING to break your usual habit.

Lets take charge and and walk in a different manner -- shoulders back -- move with a purpose -- lets change our physiological state even if it's for only five minutes. Imagine turning a dial on your chest from 1 through to 5 so you can feel your whole body buzzing with the electricity of LIFE.
We always ask ourselves "what's wrong"

Well -- how about we turn it around and ask ourselves "WHAT IS RIGHT" or WHAT COULD BE RIGHT??? if we wanted it to be.
Give it a go and see how your mood improves.

Today is your chance to make today a MASTERPIECE. GO FOR IT

Any feedback, positive or negative would be appreciated.
best wishes to all,