It's funny because I was going to post on a similar thing until I found this.

Sometimes I wake up and wonder what happened to me in the night. For instance last night I went to bed feeling OK but when I woke up this morning I felt awful. Like I'd been run over by a steamroller. I would liken it to flu like as well. The only thing I can think is that perhaps we tense up when we're asleep and that then makes us fatigued in the morning?

I've had the shaky feeling but I've had my blood suger checked and that was fine so unless it's temporary hypoglycemia, I'm certainly not diabetic. Also my cortisol was fine so it's not Addisons which was my other worry.

I still worry a little about MS and yesterday if you saw my post I felt rediculously dizzy. Some days I feel great and I have to remember those days in my mind. On the orad to recovery I'm sure we will have good and bad days.

I have just started reading the book my Dr Claire Weekes which people have reccommended to me. It really does talk sense and it;s like Libbie says, the key is to face the fear and not fear the fear. I'm not quite yet there. I keep thinking I am but then I'll have a palpitation or feel dizzy and I'm scared again.

Mostly I am so much better than what I was but there is so much room for improvement.

Oh and I am a year older than you so don't worry about the feeling old thing. I think it every day too!