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Thread: strangers look at me weird

  1. #11
    Join Date
    May 2014

    Re: strangers look at me weird

    Yes, and its Men and Women, even Children. Are we going Mad??? I sometimes get a sort of frown, but it is mainly an awkward stare like I'm looking abnormal in some way. None of my friends or Family have said anything to me about the way I look, so I am totally confused. If seems to be my eyes they are staring at, I think???

  2. #12
    Join Date
    Oct 2014

    Re: strangers look at me weird

    Yeah, my family always says they don't get why i think everyone thinks i'm ugly but i think what happened to us in school sticks with us and it's hard to forget, and some strangers are just mean. I get looks from everyone too when it's other girls it's just a disgust they think their better than me face, with guys they look away quick with no expression or they don't look at me at all, with kids it's just a stare,it's also my face that gets looked at even from the car it's that horrible, i don't think we're imagining it. We're not crazy

  3. #13
    Join Date
    May 2014

    Re: strangers look at me weird

    I thought it was just me being paranoid, it makes me feel better that someone else experiences this. I get in cars too. What are they staring at, it's only a face.

  4. #14
    Join Date
    Oct 2014

    Re: strangers look at me weird

    I don't know why people are crazy do i have a face like i'm from another planet i don't get and the things is when i look at them their the one's who have the stupid face lol

  5. #15
    Join Date
    May 2014

    Re: strangers look at me weird

    I like that. Next time it happens, I am going to smile at them and I will let you know what happens. (They will probably run a mile) haha.

  6. #16
    Join Date
    Oct 2014

    Re: strangers look at me weird

    okay remember to think how stupid they look

  7. #17
    Join Date
    May 2014

    Re: strangers look at me weird

    Still happening and you are right. They seem to be ugly people. I wonder if they are real? The smiling isn't working either.

  8. #18
    Join Date
    Oct 2014

    Re: strangers look at me weird

    Sorry it didn't work but at least you see they are the ugly ones they are probably jealous of you or just stupid, i know i don't look at strangers and stare at them making them feel uncomfortable unless they do it to me first, you said they do this when your in the car too right

  9. #19
    Join Date
    May 2014

    Re: strangers look at me weird

    Yes, they even crook their neck to do so. next time I'm going to stick my tongue out!!

  10. #20
    Join Date
    Oct 2012

    Re: strangers look at me weird

    Hello SG.

    I found your post interesting because I used to spend alot of time wondering about what people were thinking about me. Worrying their opinion would be bad.
    I have some thoughts that you might find helpful to reflect upon.

    An issue I found beneficial to work on was "mind reading".
    I was certain I knew what people were thinking about me.
    But did I? How could I really know what another person was thinking?
    In reality I couldn't possibly.
    The difficulty was to convincing myself of that & to stop second-guessing.
    Rather than dwell on what others "might" be thinking about me, it became more productive to shift my focus & go about my business without these unwanted distractions.
    It isn't easy to break a habit like this but it really is worthwhile.

    You may feel others are observing you and passing an opinion on you but most people are so busy going about "their business" they really aren't noticing others around them. Their focus is on themselves & doing what they need to.

    Trying to read the minds of others just fills your mind with unhelpful clutter & chaos.
    STOP reading the minds of the people around you.

    Instead, focus on positive and truthful evidence.

    Repeatedly Reaffirm your healthy & positive beliefs.

    Work at it. If you again become bothered by negative mind reading.... remind yourself that it is not productive to do so.
    remind yourself to Kick the negative waffle into touch.

    You have said yourself that you don't agree with the 'opinion' of these strangers.
    Therefore in terms of facts, you can argue strongly in your favour.

    You are attractive. Focus on that. Positive thoughts.

    Visualise yourself with the freedom & confidence to enjoy yourself when you are out.

    It might take some time to successfully halt the unwanted "chatter".
    Some days it will be easier than others but if you work at it, it will get easier.

    If you continue to work at it... You will build your confidence & there can be a time when you are able to walk into situations with complete confidence & belief in yourself & your appearance.

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