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Thread: alcohol

  1. #1


    please advise my boyfriend is on 20mg citalopram he has been on them 17 days next friday he is going out and said he will be drinking i am very stressed as it says no alcohol he only drinks prob twice a yr but he is adamant he is going what effects will it have ??? thanks tash x

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2003
    , , United Kingdom.

    Re: alcohol

    You can drink with Citalopram but not excessively!

    It will probably just make him more tired.

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  3. #3

    Re: alcohol

    I used to get REALLY lashed when I was on the meds, Parox and cital. I didn't think it had that much effect on me as the anxiety had gone and I was chilled, I probably didn't drink as much because i didn't need it anymore to get rid /calm the anxiety, also because i'd fall asleep before the 5th pint! I also had depression at different time and I used to get appalingly low after a bender BEFORE i was on meds, but once i was on them i was OK. I 'retired' from alcohol when I was about 36, but it was an age thing rather than a meds thing. everyones different but it wasn't a problem for me.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Nov 2010

    Re: alcohol

    im on cipralex and i was ok to drink with them years ago i am back on them and i had agbout four last night too i am on propanolol too onlly 40mg a day if i am going to drink ?i think he should be ok but it is his decision ? i wouldnt say yes or no ? take care

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jan 2011

    Re: alcohol

    Quote Originally Posted by tash1969 View Post
    please advise my boyfriend is on 20mg citalopram he has been on them 17 days next friday he is going out and said he will be drinking i am very stressed as it says no alcohol he only drinks prob twice a yr but he is adamant he is going what effects will it have ??? thanks tash x

    Same dose as me , i can drink what i like on them , i,ve been on them for 30 days now .
    I,m not recommending this as i,m used to drink , and perhaps its different for other people . Could he not have a couple of cans of beer in the house this week as a tester ??

    I should add i wouldn,t drink anything else except beer , i won,t touch spirits or wine , infact ill never drink anything other than beer these days as i know my limits on them .

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Oct 2008

    Re: alcohol

    Drinking when you are on this can make you very drunk a lot quicker than normal .Spirits arent advisable as Mel says .Your boyfriend would be wise to drink as little as possible .Especially until his medication has been stable for a while .If not he could feel very anxious the next day and have a terrible hangover .Some have reported to have had a relapse and the medication has ceased to be effective after a binge drinking session . It is ok to have a drink but stick to just 2 or three the first time and see how you get on . Sue

  7. #7

    Re: alcohol

    thanks everyone i am stressing about him all the time even though we are not together i still love him and want him desperately to get better.
    he cant really handle alcohol full stop i will tell him it is better to stick to beer whether he listens is another matter thanks everyone x

  8. #8

    Re: alcohol

    hi mel hope you dont mind me asking you some questions feel free to ignore me :~)....i am just trying to understand him and what he is doing he is usually such a loving tactile person now he wont hug me or even look at me he says it's guilt at how he's made me feel. he hasgone to live with his mum he hates her flat her cooking her general way of life so why go there rather than here im just soooo confused he says he loves me but wont risk hurting me and kids again he keeps cutting his hair which he was very ocd about before he just seems to have completely changed does any of this ring any bells? xxxthankyou tash

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Feb 2011

    Re: alcohol

    Hiya ... Iv'e drank alcohol on citalopram 20mg and 30mg and never found it a problem...I suppose some people it could affect their depression/anxiety for the following few days as alcohol is a depressant!so best to keep the limit of alcohol to a sensible amount.....

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jan 2011

    Re: alcohol

    Quote Originally Posted by tash1969 View Post
    hi mel hope you dont mind me asking you some questions feel free to ignore me :~)....i am just trying to understand him and what he is doing he is usually such a loving tactile person now he wont hug me or even look at me he says it's guilt at how he's made me feel. he hasgone to live with his mum he hates her flat her cooking her general way of life so why go there rather than here im just soooo confused he says he loves me but wont risk hurting me and kids again he keeps cutting his hair which he was very ocd about before he just seems to have completely changed does any of this ring any bells? xxxthankyou tash
    Sorry for the late reply i missed your post...

    I think anxiety and depression effect us all in different ways , i,m sure he is very confused right now and probably really doesn,t know what he wants.
    I was very clingy to my other half , i went the the other way and needed loads of hugs and support which is unusual for me i,m usually very independent .
    One thing for sure , wether he admits it or not i,m sure he needs your support in anyway you can give it , you sound a very careing person he is lucky to have you for support .
    When the meds start to work i,m sure he will get back to his old self .

    Again sorry for the late reply , if you think i can help in anyway feel free to pm me

    Take care

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