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Thread: Exercise - yes it does work

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2003
    , , United Kingdom.

    Exercise - yes it does work

    I am always posting on here and telling people to exercise more because it really helps but I must admit I have let myself go a bit recently[:O]

    These last few days I have hardly slept, I feel tired and grumpy and finding it hard to motivate myself to do anything in the evenings except sit on here all night.

    Well - I arranged to meet an acquaintance at the swimming pool tonight cos I haven't been since July and didn't want to let him down so had to drag myself there and it was really hard. All I wanted to do was go home and slob around but I promised I would go so off I went.

    Well he didn't turn up - typical - but I did 20 lengths and then decided that was enough for one session as I am not as fit as I was 6 months ago:(

    When I got home I couldn't believe the energy levels I had. I have run around all night and got so much done and I feel much better for it.

    It really does work if you can manage to drag yourself there to do something even if it is just a little bit of exercise like I did.

    I know that is hard and I really didn't want to go tonight but once I had done it I felt so much better.

    So just wanted to motivate some of you hopefully to give it a go and see if it makes you feel better.


  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2005
    , , United Kingdom.
    Hi nicola,

    Well done for going. i know what you mean, i have started going to the gym, 2-3 days a week. Havent been for about 4 weeks, and must start again. Its so easy to not bother though isn't? When Iwas going regularly, i didnt enjoy it, but after I felt good and that I had acheived something for myself.

    So I agree: Exercise - yes it does work

    Feel free to PM me, if you want to talk.

    Emma xx

    Keep focused, keep positive.

  3. #3
    Join Date
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    Well done Nic for going. As you say, that's the hardest bit. Keep it up!

    I can't agree with you enough about the exercise thing. I have just come back from (don't laugh!) Swiss Ball [:I] and then Yoga. (I'm the only bloke that goes to these blimmin classes and I feel like a right lemon at times!!!). Anyway, point is, I was just noticing that I was becoming edgy again in the last few days and I reckon it's a combo of overdoing it at Xmas / New Year and the break in my exercise. Having done some exercise again I feel the edginess has gone.

    Stick with it mate.


  4. #4
    Join Date
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    wow, 20 lengths! i'm knackered just thinking about it.
    i know that you are right nicola, i wish i could drag myself off the sofa and into the gym. well done for going xx

  5. #5
    Join Date
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    I might try it to keep my mind off things.

    Thanks for the advice

    Annie x

  6. #6
    Join Date
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    Thanks for the replies..

    Emma - you are better than me. Mine has been months. Try and get back to it soon.

    Trev - what on earth is swiss ball[}][}] I dare to think. Do you wear a leotard as well???? I will try and go again tomorrow.

    Henri - getting off the sofa is hard - as I said it took all my effort to go tonight but was worth it.

    Tomimo - trust me it helps a lot. It is just the doing it that is hard


  7. #7
    Join Date
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    No Nic he wears his 'ski trews'!!!

    Trev you sound such a poppet to go to these classes - bet the women there love you. We admire men strong enough to deal with a class of women they are our favourite kind - good on ya!!!

    Nic you know I absolutely agree with you hun about the exercise - I have felt my anxiety levels building well up during the past few weeks, obviously that it due to the increased stress of the festive period.

    Most of all though it is due to completely abandoning my usual routine.

    No exercise (my poor rebounder:()!!
    Too much crap food
    No proper chillin time with my Glenn Harrold cd's
    No messing with my crystals
    No squeezing of the feet (reflexology to you lot)

    ......and so I put my finger to my lips and wonder why am I all anxious. Err [Duh!]!!!!

    I am off to get the rebounder out of the shed (we needed the space in the back room to put all our xmas snacks) lol!

    Good post Nic

    Love Piglet xx

    "Supposing a tree fell down, Pooh, when we were underneath it?" said Piglet.
    "Supposing it didn't," said Pooh after careful thought.

  8. #8
    Join Date
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    Nic, Swiss Ball is one of those big space hopper size balls (without the horns and silly smile of a space hopper!). You have to do all sorts of silly manoeuvres on it while using arm weights and things. Plus roll up and down the wall. It's great for all over body stuff and excellent for skiing.....that's my excuse! [:I]
    Yes, leotards are compulsory. I have a particularly attractive leopard skin number that I wear and leg warmers are optional but it's rude not to isn't it?

    Piglet, I don't know that they admire me. I get more of the feeling that they are looking at me as some sort of pre-op sex change candidate who is having to show that he can fit in as a woman!!! But in future I will adopt your way of looking at it. Probably better.
    Can't believe you've consigned the Super Tramp to the shed!!!
    Still, it had to make way for the "licking the salt off of Pringles" Xmas competition so I suppose it's justified.
    Maybe you could cut a hatch in the roof of your shed so that the Super Tramp could stay there. Every time you need to use it, just open your hatch and bounce away. You'd get lots of fresh air as well. The neighbours may wonder what's going on so best you dress as Rhubarb (from Rhubarb and Custard) just so they don't get concerned about you!! [}][}][:P]

    I'm at it again tonight. Pilates then yoga. Best get my leopard skin leotard in the washer damn quick!!


  9. #9
    Join Date
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    Oh Trev that post had me spitting out banana allover the place.

    What are you like

    The thought of me jumping through the roof of my shed is the stuff of nightmares or 'Some mothers do ave em'!!! and as for you in a leopard skin leotard, oh god here comes some more undigested fodder allover the keyboard.[:I]

    Just give over will ya

    Piglet xx

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Mar 2004
    , , United Kingdom.
    Hi Nic,

    Great post hun and well done for getting back exercising.[Yes!]

    [Yes!] I agree it does really help. I try to do Aqua areobics every week. Hey Trev we would love you at the class you could find out whether your ball floats or sinks! Swiss ball that is![:O][:I] LOL in your lepoard skin number of course! Seroiusly though keep up the good work your doing great![Yeah!]

    One thing I have done which I wouldn't advice is listening to FAME i'm going to live forever song whilst on the tread mill & trying to do a star jump at the same time! [Oops!] It doesn't work trust me! LOL [:O] You really don't fly either! More like end up in a heap on the floor! [Duh!] Perhaps that's where all those endorphins are hidden! LOL

    I find a nice walk on a bright crisp day helps clear the cobwebs to.

    Take Care,

    Loadsa Love

    PIP'S X X X X

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