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  1. problem being out
  2. No friends, need someone to talk to
  3. Presentation.. terrified
  4. Fear of Eating and Drinking at work
  5. Going for a date in a few days. HELP.
  6. Scared and i dont know why
  7. Covering mouth when speaking
  8. letting u all know how i am getting on
  9. cant talk to people
  10. Christmas: A social anxiety minefield
  11. Can someone hear me out please? Am I a really bad person?
  12. Sunday dinner at in-laws!!
  13. Sometimes I just want to be hugged
  14. Anxiety with all the trimmings
  15. work
  16. Is It Really Me? Or Is It Them?
  17. Terrified to bump into my house mates
  18. school is terrifying
  19. Horrible thoughts
  20. Supermarket panic
  21. Starting to 'notice' that people don't like me
  22. dating/relationships
  23. Group
  24. Just weird.
  25. Who else is unemployed?
  26. How to tell teacher about anxiety
  27. Advice please
  28. University nerves
  29. Tight feeling in throat
  30. Liking people
  31. Oh my god I'm so embarrassed please help
  32. what is the best medication for sa?
  33. passing anxiety on to kids
  34. Why do all social occasions seem to involve alcohol?
  35. Suddenly very lonely
  36. How do I make/find friends?
  37. shopping and being in public often flusters me
  38. Pulled myself away from bad people
  39. Feeling needy, will I ever have a relationship?
  40. Don't have any friends because I don't want any. What's the problem?
  41. Partner with social anxiety affecting son?
  42. Freaking out about going out for dinner
  43. I need help asap
  44. went out on sunday
  45. Obsessed with social status/people liking me
  46. First new job at Zara
  47. Social Practice group for SA Liverpool
  48. Change in Job role...
  49. Help for Anxiety
  50. Recently started taking Sertraline...
  51. heres how i got on in warrington
  52. Anxious around men I find attractive
  53. Going out tonight to a new place with new people..panicking
  54. afraid to call in sick....
  55. At long last a date but ...
  56. People will only accept you if...
  57. do I look scary
  58. Why do I feel so guilty about this?
  59. Is it so wrong or abnormal...?
  60. Difficulty forming emotional bonds
  61. pAAAANIC
  62. Over thinking/rehearsing social interactions
  63. Avoiding noisy places... social anxiety?
  64. fear of leaving house help?
  65. Froze in a meeting
  66. Help for Anxiety
  67. Stuck in with boredom as my companion
  68. Social anxiety, and crippling loneliness ruining my life.
  69. Was out tonight....
  70. west mid safari park
  71. Scared of everybody. Am I destined to be a spinster? I already have the cat.
  72. hypnotherapy
  73. Will these symptoms ever go away?
  74. Really bad interview!!
  75. learning to cope in public
  76. Lying?
  77. Please calm me down
  78. Has anyone on here got over there social anxiety??
  79. Boo! Return of social anxiety
  80. Social anxiety, keeping me from being productive
  81. What would you think if a shy person stopped being shy?
  82. Social Awkwardness!? Anyone Else?
  83. Body lets me down & work problems
  84. Feel like I annoy everyone and no one likes me...
  85. shaky hands in many social situations
  86. Laughing at ourselves
  87. lost
  88. may 21st 2014
  89. Social anxiety just won't go
  90. Taken over my life
  91. Struggling to move on in life...
  92. Grandiose feelings of Uneasiness
  93. Birthday butterflies
  94. Meeting Girlfriends Family/Friends for first time
  95. Got the job.. now what?
  96. Being around anyone other than family...
  97. bank holiday again
  98. Blushing
  99. I can't trust anyone
  100. I don't feel comfotable around my 'best friend'
  101. Daily Symptoms Struggle
  102. Commencement speech
  103. New job...terrified!
  104. 1st step to move forward
  105. Should i go for it?
  106. Upset that my best friend is having sex?
  107. went to butlins 13th of june
  108. What to do??
  109. Social Anxiety and others' attitudes.
  110. is this SA?
  111. Letting people down.
  112. I finally went to the gym
  113. Health anxiety need help
  114. Fluoxetine for Social Anxiety?
  115. friends
  116. feeling down due to my social anxieties and a lack of self confidence
  117. still anxious about women
  118. I did something bad and I don't know what to do
  119. Separation anxiety
  120. Doing it By the Spoonful
  121. All this is taking its toll
  122. big event
  123. Best Man Speech - HELP!
  124. America
  125. Tomorrow!
  126. Strangers
  127. SA Focused Solely On Eye Contact?
  128. Wedding
  129. Assertiveness.... Doesnt come easily? Feel shy... reserved....?
  130. night out
  131. What do you do in a crisis? Ever had to not go home?
  132. some good news :)
  133. Fear of Public Speaking
  134. Anyone found a workbook helpful for SA, fear of blushing etc?
  135. meeting someone...
  136. finding birthdays difficult
  137. just cant have a conversation with anyone
  138. Festivals
  139. anxiety disappeared and is now back???
  140. A little uncomfortable to leave home
  141. Struggling at new job
  142. Don't want to leave the house
  143. Applecore where are you??
  144. dance class
  145. Anxious about my relationship with Dad
  146. school worries
  147. just cant talk to people
  148. I really hope I'm not a broken record to my friends
  149. I think one of my best friends tried to scam me
  150. Need desperately to get over this. Ruining my life.
  151. just wish...
  152. Agreed to a date I don't want to go on...
  153. Bad day at work..
  154. Help with Confidence?
  155. Sensitive to perceived slights by others
  156. University panic
  157. New Job After Long Term Sick - Advice?
  158. Video Training for Aspergers
  159. strangers look at me weird
  160. How do i not care if people stare at me or make fun of me
  161. Tired of being treated and feeling inferior
  162. I guess i'm really not as pretty as i thought should i accept being ugly to strangers
  163. feel socially inept at work
  164. definately getting bashed by anxiety
  165. My favourite place.. The supermarket.. Massive sarcasm..
  166. I want to be liked why don't people like me what's wrong with me
  167. How to deal with behaviour that upsets you
  168. Mortified: I've damaged work's car!
  169. I've given up
  170. Builders In
  171. I really like this girl, but I now I live with regret
  172. Isolating Myself
  173. Is it really all in my head
  174. Nervous wreck
  175. Big stress ahead...
  176. What am I supposed to do? (vent thread)
  177. Confidence is Growing
  178. School is hell
  179. Really struggling to over come this
  180. Good and bad days
  181. Had enough of people really angry
  182. social anxiety
  183. Need to ask doors anyone get neck problems during anxiety????
  184. Feel like a complete idiot at work :-(
  185. So christmas is coming :(
  186. losing hope
  187. I hide away from people especially during events but I don't know why
  188. On the road to a positive path..
  189. Headache and vomiting socially - social!
  190. Have I messed up with a girl, paranoid I've done something wrong
  191. Social anxiety recovery
  192. Lost my personality
  193. Scared
  194. What's wrong with me?!
  195. i hate school right now
  196. Don't Know What To Do
  197. Do I Have Social Anxiety?
  198. pushing myself
  199. Having a good cry
  200. The Chains of Anxiety Inhbiting My Life
  201. Narration of social anxiety with Asperger's.
  202. How to go from JSA - ESA?
  203. Trying to stave off the pre holiday anxiety
  204. At which point do you admit defeat?
  205. Anyone else 30+ living at home?
  206. Struggling to make friends at college/university
  207. Loneliness
  208. embarrassed about the fact I've never moved out
  209. Relationship.. Troubles?
  210. My anxiety made me snubbish
  211. Anxiety became worse
  212. Blackmailed by boss?
  213. Symptoms of Anxiety
  214. Which social situation you hate?
  215. Going on spring break with my friend....
  216. Really can't do this anymore
  217. SA affected my professional life
  218. Adults 30+ no drivers licence, no desire to drive... anybody else?
  219. mirtazapine weight gain
  220. so depressed
  221. Girl help and anxiety
  222. terrified of group situations
  223. Trying to find the true 'root'
  224. things have changes :meh:
  225. Dating now my anxiety is going crazy .
  226. I have no social life and don't know what to do :(
  227. Relationship Anxiety
  228. exercise class
  229. Anxious at 53...
  230. anxiety and looking for love
  231. Job Interview - Scared of panicking and running away!
  232. Everyone in my town are so full of themselves
  233. Need for affirmation
  234. Driving Anxiety
  235. Don't know what more i could do
  236. confrontational strangers
  237. Social anxiety = Did some stupid stuff - would really appreciate a hug right now
  238. No life or friends..
  239. Glastonbury Festival
  240. close friendship dwindling
  241. Does anyone else make plans all the time...
  242. Social Anxiety Or Something Else
  243. Dealing with Social Anxiety at Work
  244. Alcohol anxiety
  245. New to this
  246. Should be over this by now...
  247. Hi New here 😊
  248. I have an interview! Help!
  249. No jobs,skills,social skills
  250. how do i stop going red???