View Full Version : General Anxiety / Generalised anxiety disorder (GAD)

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  1. should i up my dose ??
  2. Living in a nightmare :(
  3. Some Encouragement needed folks
  4. Periods of obsession - how will CBT work?
  5. Anxious
  6. off sick - home visit - very stressed.
  7. Getting back into work, excuses used for time away?
  8. How much damage could I do?
  9. anxiety and paranioa
  10. Scared of being happy?!
  11. Getting even worse!
  12. Hypnotherapy
  13. Work Anxiety
  14. I just don't belong anywhere
  15. telling your employer about your anxiety?
  16. OMG I dont know where to post this!!!
  17. oh goddd :(
  18. Feeling happier again
  19. Do you ever feel.....
  20. Anxiety condition has made me lazy
  21. Amitryptiline for anxiety?
  22. Please reply, feel like im going mad!
  23. Surely this cant be anxiety
  24. I cure you in one week bet ?
  25. Will there ever be a positive day?
  26. Cost affected meds change.
  27. Need to share my good news!
  28. ANXIETY UK - support line and cheaper therapy services
  29. Anxious about time and time passing
  30. mind and thoguhts racing
  31. SO sick of feeling bad - how long did it take you to get CBT?
  32. In a mess!
  33. Please help me, feeling very scared....
  34. Sensation feeling like I'm crazy for no reason?
  35. Its still with me I guess
  36. Night terrors
  37. Can anyone help?
  38. Psychiatrist
  39. Please help us, Anxiety and depression?
  40. choclate triggering anxiety?
  41. is it just my anxiety
  42. Will there ever be an end to this?
  43. anxiety is getting worse!!!
  44. Mind/mental chatter
  45. Really silly but does anyone else ever feel like this?
  46. What job do you do?
  47. Please help! Feeling so strange!
  48. No one understands
  49. boyfriend wants a break.. major anxiety
  50. Does anybody else feel like this?
  51. The changing face of Anxiety
  52. can anyone explain to me what Ruminating is?
  53. Is this just a stress/anxious phase or is this full blown anxiety?
  54. Tight jaw
  55. How I got over unwanted scary thoughts
  56. Can someone be anxious that he is mad?
  57. random anxiety
  58. Is it always best to continually try to change?
  59. Dealing with morning anxiety?
  60. Can any one answer my question
  61. Intense Guilt?
  62. I get so worked up when I drive...
  63. Going back into Full time work/ Education
  64. Scared scared scared
  65. Is it an obligation
  66. help for families with PTSD
  67. Carers
  68. Horrible obsessions with existence, reality, and consciousness anybody?
  69. A slip
  70. just wondering about family reactions
  71. Feeling terrible today
  72. quick update and sucess
  73. throat
  74. please give advise
  75. Feeling so fed up!!!
  76. frequent urination
  77. Marraige
  78. Trying to go without meds
  79. Can any one give me a little advice please
  80. Anxiety and Psoriatic arthritis
  81. feel like blood rushing to head
  82. So so scared please help
  83. Sick again
  84. where do I start?
  85. Disturbing vivid dreams
  86. Never fully Relaxed..experiences?
  87. Tips please - so anxious can't calm down
  88. i keep making problems for myself?!?
  89. Butterfly feeling
  90. Interesting article on anxiety
  91. Aaaarrgghh
  92. ENT Consultation at 14:30
  93. help how can i get thro this
  94. Extreme panic
  95. massive agitation, adrenaline, charged feeling
  96. DO you eat a lot ?
  97. Tips to ease early morning anxiety
  98. Feeling worse not better!
  99. Fluoxetine
  100. anxiety over train journey please help :(
  101. bachs rescue remedy
  102. B/f just had right funny turn, mouth dropped one side!
  103. Random anxiety patterns.
  104. Stupid crazy thoughts!?!
  105. punch me!
  106. Have you felt these?
  107. waking in night
  108. Sorry to keep posting about this - just don't know how to help myself
  109. anxiety getting the better of me today (scared to be in my own home)
  110. im sorry for posting again but i cant cope anymore
  111. Have I done the right thing?
  112. Anxiety and Anger Management - a Query
  113. fear of going mad !
  114. advice please so panicky!
  115. Really really scared thought that I can't process
  116. SO SCARED
  117. Advice please
  118. Scared of getting into trouble
  119. Cant sleep
  120. dealing with noise anxiety
  121. A wee update
  122. trembling and shaking
  123. Lustral
  124. Worry about not being all there/crazy after long term anxiety?
  125. Agoraphobia....Tips needed please!!
  126. going back to work after 8 months
  127. HELP!
  128. Can anxiety be inherited?
  129. Please help us make a decision!!
  130. What would happen in an emergency?
  131. hugs for loops81 and her bf
  132. Information need
  133. Scared of being on my own
  134. Giving up
  135. Possible date and meeting friends - more anxiety?
  136. Nervous and anxious about an appointment coming up
  137. Why.....
  138. Assertiveness/dealing with unhelpful comments
  139. Sorry if this upsets anyone
  140. Going on Holiday but really unwell
  141. Help, b/f feeling very drunk, strange turn?
  142. Beating anxiety
  143. Felt close to going mad
  144. For anyone worried about the 2012 end of world thing....
  145. More anxious in the summer or winter?
  146. Can someone please answer me - thanks
  147. Special occasions like today!
  148. raging pain in left arm upon waking...help needed xx
  149. I need advice about PTSD and meds.
  150. Having a bad day
  151. PTSD Advice needed please
  152. Loss of internal dialogue??
  153. need your thoughts forum friends
  154. Freaking out :(
  155. How do you feel most of the time?
  156. If u can relate, please share
  157. Ah Horrible night!
  158. What's the point?
  159. Anxiety Blog.
  160. depression or anxiety
  161. Does everyone with PTSD have flashbacks?
  162. I don't know how much more worrying I can cope with
  163. Very bad day
  164. Strange feelings
  165. returning to work - too soon?
  166. Check this out
  167. I don't feel particulartlu anxious and yet have symptoms...
  168. just taken first anti depressent..
  169. All I do is worry.
  170. Sexual Anxiety need your advice..
  171. irrational thoughts?
  172. leaving but thank you
  173. bi polar
  174. Worrying about Hairdressers appointment...again! :/
  175. it never rains but it pours!!
  176. how/why anxiety??!
  177. Freaking out - can this just be anxiety???
  178. Two symptoms I'm struggling with
  179. Here we go again - Please dont spoil it panic!
  180. friends....i need you......
  181. Three months on...
  182. severe anxiety last 5 days :(
  183. help please reply
  184. Night time/bed time
  185. panicking about colonoscopy - dont do needles
  186. Long term boredom & tiredness
  187. I'm out and not so bad!
  188. One for the ladies - Hormones,bad dreams and anxiety....
  189. anxiety of swallowing
  190. Worried i wont cope
  191. Feel a freak
  192. Long term boredom & tiredness
  193. Periods. Hate them
  194. so irritable!!
  195. The odds are against you in cyber help.
  196. Please Help
  197. Aaaaah school run
  198. no toilet causes panick ???
  199. Worried about hurting others
  200. Is this normal??
  201. tick tock rooibos??
  202. Bad mother/daughter relationship
  203. Going away with work :-s
  204. Did I hit someone?
  205. Question for every one one here
  206. Scared that I'll die young..
  207. Risperidone amongst other Things
  208. Anxiety over honeymoon in 2 weeks time - please help....
  209. Major anxiety today - help please
  210. Low ferittin & anxiety
  211. overthinking 24/7
  212. weird head feeling
  213. Can I be forced out of my home, If mother needs to sell the house to fund her care???
  214. Sinking into hypochondriasis
  215. surge to the head - dizziness
  216. Return to work - help needed
  217. Radio discussion this morning (Thursday)
  218. Help
  219. Limerence - think I maybe suffering from it
  220. Starting to think I'm depressed!
  221. Stomach hurts!!!
  222. makiong myself yawn and holding breaths
  223. So worried about being/becoming Psychotic
  224. sertraline aka lustral
  225. Is there anything to do?
  226. help breathing problem.....
  227. breathing problem PLZ HELP!!!!!!
  228. Anxiety/panic attacks
  229. Swallowing/Dizziness
  230. Anyone find too much sleep makes anxiety worse?
  231. stressed out
  232. dizzyness after stopping cipralex
  233. breathing problem again
  234. need some advice
  235. heart attack
  236. I can`t go on like this.
  237. Doctors appointment today ;o(
  238. I feel terrible in the mornings especially
  239. Existential terror, dreading death.
  240. How am I suppose to wait 6 months for my CBT?
  241. Vomiting in the mornings
  242. Sore all over and bad anxiety
  243. health
  244. Pains in hand - Advice?
  245. Blackouts/Fainting
  246. cold tiingling randomly when exercising
  247. Progression?
  248. Going for a cuppa, quite nervous!
  249. Hi pls help new here
  250. Why is it all back again :(