View Full Version : Headache

02-05-21, 20:45
I’m so disappointed with myself to be writing this. I’ve been doing well with my anxiety for a few months now and finally thought I’d turned the corner in beating it.

I’ve had a headache on and off for just over a week now. Mentioned it to a work colleague who instantly said I should get my blood pressure checked but instead of sending me into a panic I brushed it off seeings as a while ago blood pressure had been a worry for me and it was fine.

Anyway the headache hasn’t gone away completely. I think it’s a tension headache as it doesn’t always hurt in the same place. It can be the back of my neck, back of my head, top of my head, forehead or behind eyes. It isn’t there when I wake up in the morning and it comes and goes during the day. My head can also feet tender to touch.

First of all I thought it was because of the mask I have to wear all day at work. It’s getting really warm in the warehouse I’m in and I’ve found I jut my chin out to keep my mask in place but it gives me a bit more breathing space. I also have a new manager so works been pretty stressful with lots of changes and feeling tense around a new person.

I can be out with the kids at the park and feel fine but come home and realise I’ve been feeling great then it re appears a while later. It’s almost like I’m worrying about not having a headache then worrying because it’s come back.

I feel like I’m getting myself trapped in a vicious circle. Anyone else felt similar and how long did it last?

03-05-21, 16:51
Why are you disappointed with yourself if you have seen improvement? We all fall off the wagon, just get back on.

Tension headaches are a viscous circle. You worry about a headache which ironically causes the headache. You pointed out yourself that when you dont think about it you are fine but when you think about it, you get a headache not long after.

As with any health issue if it lingers get it checked out by a doctor. The key is to trust your doctor when they tell you its tension.

03-05-21, 19:45
Thanks for your reply. I guess I’m just disappointed because I hadn’t felt like this in a while so I thought I was passed it. Your right, I’ve just got to keep trying and see what happens I’ve felt better today almost like I had to hit the bottom yesterday to be able to start feeling better again

03-05-21, 19:55
Feel like I could have written this myself. Was literally about to do the same post. I am stressed about this headache as it’s pretty constant, then when I notice it’s not there it’s back right away. The pain is the back of my head, back of my neck and pretty much all over my head. Feel like my head weighs a ton aswell. It’s awful and I’ve been in a HA funk for nearly a week. I’m off work on holiday this week and it’s totally ruining it :( likelihood of it being a brain tumour (which is in my head) is probably zero but doesn’t stop me worrying that’s what this is.

03-05-21, 21:00
Thanks for your reply. I guess I’m just disappointed because I hadn’t felt like this in a while so I thought I was passed it. Your right, I’ve just got to keep trying and see what happens I’ve felt better today almost like I had to hit the bottom yesterday to be able to start feeling better again

Rather than be disappointed with a slip up, look at how far you have come. You need to be kinder to yourself and try and see the positive in things.

04-05-21, 19:16
Thank you for your replies I’ll try and go a bit easier on myself.

Mrs Churchill sorry your feeling like this I hope you can start to enjoy your holiday and feel better soon.

04-05-21, 21:10
Thank you! I spoke to the doctor today who said it wasn’t anything sinister like a brain tumour (she obviously knew what I was thinking!). She said to take aspirin and paracetamol and increase my water intake. Also upped my fluoxetine from 20mg to 40mg so hoping that helps.

04-05-21, 22:45
Exactly the same for me over the last 3-4 weeks. Think its tension headache from anxiety and stress. Started Citalopram which seems to have relived it a little already

05-05-21, 07:58
I think it’s a tension headache as it doesn’t always hurt in the same place. It can be the back of my neck, back of my head, top of my head, forehead or behind eyes. It isn’t there when I wake up in the morning and it comes and goes during the day. My head can also feet tender to touch.

First of all I thought it was because of the mask I have to wear all day at work. It’s getting really warm in the warehouse I’m in and I’ve found I jut my chin out to keep my mask in place but it gives me a bit more breathing space. I also have a new manager so works been pretty stressful with lots of changes and feeling tense around a new person.

I can be out with the kids at the park and feel fine but come home and realise I’ve been feeling great then it re appears a while later. It’s almost like I’m worrying about not having a headache then worrying because it’s come back.

I feel like I’m getting myself trapped in a vicious circle. Anyone else felt similar and how long did it last?

You have all the answers..

The more stressed I am - the more headaches I get. I tell you what though; these days I try other things before taking the pills as it's sometimes the case that some muscle relaxation can fend the headache off. Or a heatpad will do the trick if it's down to tense shoulder muscles. Can't do this with my migraines as they get so bad that all else goes out the window and it's a case of JUST GIVE ME THE DAMN CODIENE!!! :yesyes:

05-05-21, 10:19
Definitely is a horrible cycle.. tense shoulders - feel headache - think it’s a brain tumour - more tense shoulders - more headaches.... and that’s literally my life! :doh:

06-05-21, 22:52
I was having this issue from Nov-Jan. Just mild tension headaches but they kept happening. After a doc appointment they went away and I had about 4 months of freedom. Earlier this week I was stressed with a work project and they came back.... lol. I don't think it's a tumor given the circumstances.

07-05-21, 10:31
I would say not :) it’s just a horrible vicious cycle. Headaches are the scariest for me (looking back at my posts I have been here before). Despite no other symptoms I am still convinced it’s a tumour... the likelihood of which being virtually zero. Why do we not just accept it? It seems impossible :weep: