View Full Version : Suffered from bladder/urinary problems?

30-03-06, 17:31
Leading on from another thread, I'm interested to see how strong the link is between anxiety/stress and bladder problems and urinary tract infections in particular.

If you've had any such problems either immediately prior to, or whilst suffering from anxiety, please comment on their nature, e.g. whether it was just urinary frequency and/or involved pain and discomfort.

Also, if you have found a way to resolve the problem, that would be of interest.


Eeb x

08-03-07, 11:07
Its funny you write about this because I have had alot of bladder infections over the years, I am very prone and it always makes me bleed.

Sometimes in the past I have had bladder spasms, so when I wee it sometimes goes into a trickle (sorry).

But then over time I realised this only happens if I have caffien in my drinks,
so basically the diet cokes and coffees were making this happen to me just like it increases my anxiety.

08-03-07, 15:27
Hi all - not quite on track, but bladder related never the less.

One of the first meds my doctor put me on was flupentixol. It gave me urinary retention. I had to sit up on the toilet for between 4 - 6 hours at night with a trickle a time coming out. It was absolute hell and went on for two weeks.

It was actually worse than the anxiety if you can believe that to be possible.

So just to beware that meds can play with your water works too.


08-03-07, 21:25
I've suffered from urinary tract infection almost constantly since June 06. I've had a course of antibiotics at least once a month since then and had an ultrasound of the kidneys and bladder in September 06 which was completely clear. Urine tests always show protein, bacteria and blood. I find that caffiene, certain alcoholic drinks (especially g&t) and sexual intercourse will quite often cause a flare up. Drinking plenty of water especially just before bed helps.

I don't think it has been made any worse by my health anxiety. My GP assures me that some women are just prone to UTI's and unfortunately I'm one of them. Great!!

09-03-07, 00:00
I also get urinary symptoms which I now think must be related to anxiety.

Sometimes I get frequency where I have to keep going and other times I get symptoms of urinary retention where I am unable to go for hours.

This can become a vicious circle because the more stressed or anxious I get the more I get the symptoms and the more I get the symptoms the more I worry that I'll need the toilet when I'm out and not be able to go.

Generally reducing levels of anxiety can help and relaxing about the situation. I use hypnosis downloads and CDs. There is a good selection to choose from here (http://www.hypnosisdownloads.com/cat/relaxation.html?1388).

It is always a good idea to get persistent symptoms checked by a doctor in case there is an infection.

Karen x

09-03-07, 10:29
I had really bad cystitis a while back which apparently was probably linked to the undiagonsed clamydia i had at the time. never slept around in my life - my ex had though and had not been truthfull with me. you can never be too careful. x

11-03-07, 09:16
Frequency/urgency is well linked with anxiety, one of the reasons for this is that when we are anxious, particularly if the spot we are anxious about is in our lower body, we tense up our muscles, our thigh muscles and the big hammock like muscle which supports all our lower organs and structures called the pelvic floor muscle. This causes increased pressure and tension in our pelvis which causes less room and irritation to our detruser muscle (our bladder) which makes us want to empty it sooner than we need to. The other reason for this is related to our nervous system. (too long boring and complicated to go into). There is a way we can tell if its a true urgency/frequency or if its anxiety related, but im not going to post that, as its too individual and i dont want to start someone worrying about something they dont have.

11-03-07, 09:36
I had one back in 2002. I swear, the pain, i put it right up there with the throat abscess and childbirth. I was pee'ing blood for a week...agony. I was given antibiotics and it cleared up. Thank goodness i've not experienced a bladder infection to that degree since. I never linked it to anxiety though.

11-03-07, 10:05
I've had all of these at some point and more, lol.

As a guy it's harder to get UI, so I've not had too many, but boy does it hurt if you do!

I've been through periods where my anxiety has made me have to go every 5 mins and I've had some close calls in the night before :blush: . Sometimes, the opposite problem, not being able to go at all, 'retention'. Both from meds and from anxiety.

It's quite an embarassing one, but a fairly common 'phobia' for guys I think, but standing at the urinals with anyone else in the room, I often can't go at all, even if I'm bursting! :blush: I normally dash for the cubicals if there's anyone else in there. :blush:

02-09-07, 09:07

One of my main problems is frequent urination, which is caused from anxiety.


02-09-07, 09:37
I had one earlier this year and I went to work and shook all over and thought OMG my anxiety is sooooo bad today ,lol. Then when I got home I started peeing blood and the shakes got worse . Then my gp told me it causes severe shaking sometimes. :ohmy:

02-09-07, 13:20
i suffer from bladder frequency also. its all down to anxiety.

09-09-07, 18:57
I have kidney problems and when things bad I get UTI infections too. They can't decide if it is cos' of the kidneys or cos' I am stressing so much about it. The last attacks took 6 lots of anti-b's to get rid of them and I was in a big mess.

I know they say cranberry juice is the bestest thing to drink to prevent such infections but personally I found it never helped so I have lemon barley water which I prefer!

24-12-07, 17:21
I have had a water infection in the past 2 years ago and the pain was awful,in my side.

2 weeks ago i developed a very similar pain, went to the docs and said i think i have got a water infection, did a sample and it came back clear, doc said he is sending me for a scan on my gall bladder which is completely freaking me out, still got the pain, i have had a secondtest done and still clear, totally freaked at the moment as the symptoms are all the same as water infection


26-12-07, 18:36
i have suffered from a few uti's since having anxiety and panic. i never associated to having them from being anxious tho. but they did make my health anxiety worse.

the last uti i had took 2 lots of antibiotics to clear, which worried me even more.

now i take a cranberry supplement and drink plenty of barley water.

love pen

21-01-08, 08:44
I've suffered with cystitis all my life and have had 2 sets of exploratory surgery carried out and both clear.

The last set of tests were carried out just over a year ago which co-incided with a particuarly bad year of infections and worrying. I do believe my attacks are stress/worry related. During 2006 I was very anxious and stressed and suffered about 7 attacks. During 2007 I was more settled and only suffered 2 attacks. I have a stash of antibiotics at home now to fight any infection immediately instead of waiting to see the doctor.

11-04-08, 11:01
Hi there,

My first sympton of a panic attack coming on is the urgent need for a "wee"!:blush:

Karen x

13-04-08, 12:51
I often get an aching feeling near my bladder that feels like i need to wee all the time but when i do go it's just a trickle and i stiil have the pain of feeling like i need a wee after.
I find that most drinks i have can make this worse, i tend to only drink coke and water and coffee, i find that any sort of low sugar or diet drinks make it about ten times worse.
Also sex can irritate it but i think i pull my muscles and this causes the tight needing a wee feeling.

09-11-08, 15:54
hi i have one kidney i was born with one i get infections all the time 3 weeks ago i was in hospital with one i was passing blood not nice .but i also think that when you feel panic coming on feeling sick ect you dont drink as much and the need to keep going to the loo to wee or a number 2 does not help so i think stress does play its part in it some how xx

09-11-08, 15:58
hi i have one kidney i was born with it, but i get infections all the time and i worry about them i was in hospital last week with one i was passing blood i had a apnic attack then. i think when we worry or panic we feel so low we dont drink or eat like we should then we keep giong for a wee or number 2 due to feeling how we do its really hard no to go your bladder feels full errrrrrr then you go not much there so keep drinking cranberry juice is good for infections and water xx

09-11-08, 18:52
Hello Everyone ,

In regards to bladder / urinary / prostrate issues , perhaps the below info can be of some assistance .

Parsley tea has been a used traditionally to treat urinary tract infection, kidney stones and liver, bladder and prostrate problems. The Cherokee Indians, who learned of its medicinal value from the settlers, drank parsley tea for kidney and bladder pain, and dropsy (edema, or water retention).

If you are pregnant, parsley oil, juice, and seeds should be avoided because they are uterine stimulants, but the tea recommended below is quite safe to drink.

How to make Parsley Tea - [ A kettle with a infuser maybe used ]
Boil 4 cups of filtered water.
Remove the water from the heat.
Mince (cut up finely) 4 heaping teaspoons of fresh parsley (including stems, & roots if you can get them).
Steep 20 minutes; strain — it is okay to drink hot or cold, and it may be reheated without harming it, but do not boil it.
Drink all 4 cups throughout the course of one day, for 6-7 daysLink to source of info is here :


Regards ,

10-11-08, 12:44
I have had urinary infections for the past 32 years, no one knows why I get them. When the sample is tested there is usually blood in it or maybe sometimes protein etc. 2 years ago the doctor decided to try and get to the bottom of the problem (pardon the pun), and sent me for an x-ray, a scan and also a camera into my bladder. When they did the camera it was very interesting as I could watch it being done on a screen, there were little yellow nodules on the bladder wall, which they told me was infection.
I have bought my own urine sample sticks so I can test my own water and go to the doctor if the sticks are showing any real infection, they are not cheap £15 for 50 sticks, which can be ordered from your chemist.

I tried canberry juice and found it made no difference. I drink bottles of sparking water though which seems to help. I guess I will always have this problem, but I do suffer with anxiety constantly, so I suppose there is a strong connection.

14-03-09, 20:45
I will always get some infection or another. My kidneys seem to be suffering alot recently so I have to go for tests.

I have had confirmed kidney and UT infections but because of how often I get them, the gp wants me to go for some more tests...

I try to drink cranberry juice and it does help a little, but not as much as medication! I'm afraid of becoming to used to the meds though and my body becoming immune to them.

15-04-09, 11:13
Hey guys,

You have no idea what a relief this thread has been for me!

I suffer with constant problems with my urine. I recently found out that I had kidney stones (nothing at all to worry about - they go by themselves and were just small, so don't cause any harm) but even though they are gone I still get pain and achiness on occasion. Luckily it goes away if I drink water though, so that is reassuring.

I always thought I was imagining the relation between anxiety and water infections, but seemingly not! I kept thinking I had some nasty undiagnosed illness that was going to crop up later somewhere along the line, but reading that so many people here have such frequent and severe problems too has reassured me no end! And the relation between the UTI's and caffeinated drinks... that is interesting, I do practically live off tea and coffee.

Thanks guys, hope you are all feeling better soon!!!

Danny xxx

27-04-09, 00:53
I'm on ABs for a nasty UTI at the moment, oddly it's not painful at all when I pee so I went undiagnosed for ages, which is why it got so bad - it was a routine urine test that picked it up, I went for a smear and my surgery does urine tests at the same time. The last couple of weeks before I got the ABs are a bit of a blur though, I hadn't realised how ill I was til I started feeling better, but I was basically shaking constantly for a week, and could hardly move at times. I really feel for anyone who gets these regularly, I was useless when I was feeling worst, even though I wasn't in pain.

11-02-16, 15:32
I have had this issue for 4 months now!

Jesus its the worst symptom.
I'm freaking out if its IC ( even though I've had the camera and a really well trained Urologists tell me its not)
I feel for anyone else suffering.

11-02-16, 20:27
I had one back in October, I only had 3 days of antibiotics for it and wasn't too sure they have worked. nurse assured me when I went for my smear they were the right ones but don't know how much good three days of trimethoprim would have been to battle ecoli. I am back at the doctors tomorrow to see about anxiety meds funnily enough and I am almost positive a couple of weeks ago my urine was slightly pink so I am freaking out over it now being bladder cancer...as you do! well if your me anyway. I still get days of frequency/urgency etc and days where I seem fine.