around a year and a half ago i really was at the end of my tether coulnt really go out anywhere ,couldnt talk to anyone ,just picking up the phone was such a tremendous effort, somehow i found the stength to try hopnotism as i heard on my local radio station a discuttion {sorry not that litarate cant spell ha ha}on hypnotherapy wow this sounded great all the answers to my prolems, and with the hypnotist being on a local bbc station i thought i coulnt go wrong as he would have been vetted and everthig,so i gave it a shot i called him really nice guy came to my flat as i had told him i was agraphobic , so he came early one morning and he was here at least an hour and half , he could see that i was very anxious him being there ,but it wasnt him just being here i was like that most of the time ,anyhow he put this monitor thingy on my finger to test just how anxious i was ,and he compered it to his own anxiety level which mine was around ten times as higher than his normal level, he then told me i was to anxious to be hypnotised????? very dissapointing to say the least i thought it was going to be my miracle cure ,,,so what he did is,,{has anyone heard of emotional freedom technique???} well he did that with me ,i guess that really didnt help at all,,and he charged me 60 pounds for the privilage was i ripped off???oh and he gave me a hug before he went ha after he got his money,,so really a bit of a dissapointing story but would love to hear of any success stories as i am thinking of trying it again,but with a different therapist ,,thanks would be grateful for any feedback,,,,,darren