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Thread: My GP has suggested pregabalin

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Sep 2011

    My GP has suggested pregabalin

    So I came off prozac, tried Mirtazapine, gave that up, now back on prozac from today and my GP wants me to think about pregabalin. I see her in 2 weeks. I am going to do some reading up and if I do decide to try it I will let you know how I get on.


  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2011

    Re: My GP has suggested pregabalin

    My mates been on that a few years and it has done the trick albeit very slowly as he was very ill. xxx

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Sep 2011

    Re: My GP has suggested pregabalin

    I may try it as it sounds very effective. My only worry is weight gain but it does not seem to be as big a feature of this drug as the Mirt... I shall ponder that one! I am not as ill as some folk and I know I can function albiet a heap of nerves and tears. It would be nice just to feel less anxiety!

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2011

    Re: My GP has suggested pregabalin

    Hi WolfieKate - I would be very interested to know how you get on if you do take pregabalin. JT has put up some very positive posts regarding this med.
    I tried mirtazapine also and found it didn't really help with my anxiety, so I too am thinking about pregabalin. I am managing at the moment with a small dose of diazepam as needed.

    Take care,
    Belle x

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Sep 2011

    Re: My GP has suggested pregabalin

    Hi Belle

    I had to stop the Mirt due to the weight gain which was quite astonishing. I still have a remarkably prominent spare tyre so I am hoping that it will leave my system shortly and my metabolism goes back to normal! I have 2 weeks to see if I feel OK back on the prozac but my GP thought pregabalin might be an idea as a mood stablizer as I am very up and down right now and was before I stopped my prozac but that seems to help with some other stuff. What I read about Pregabalin sounds good with that big caveat about side effects again. But they all have side effects I guess! I see my GP on 21st to tell her if I want to try it.


  6. #6
    Join Date
    May 2011

    Re: My GP has suggested pregabalin

    I've not had either prozac or pregabalin, but out of both I'd opt for pregab (unless it's severe depression you have) based on the weight gain issues. (I'd never take anything if it said you'd put on weight, so I understand where you're coming from!!) From limited knowledge Pregab works on GABA receptors (like benzos do), whereas Ad's usually focus on serotonin (happy stuff).

    My mate three years on is actually less heavy than he uzed to be. However, mainly I think it's to do with he used to drink loads, then had anx, and couldn't get out and about. Now, he eats healthy, exercises (he has a routine walk each day) and is doing really well. He takes pregab 3 times a day (exextly the same times) so it must have a short half life. It is a bit sedating at first I think but he said that went after a while.

    Hope it works out for you.

    Hyper xxx

  7. #7

    Re: My GP has suggested pregabalin

    Hi, I'm on Pregabalin at the moment, I take 75mg in the morning, and 150mg at night. It is definitely helping me, this time a couple of months ago I wouldn't leave the house unless my hubby was with me. Now, I can do the school run again, and am going swimming each day, and going to aquafit classes.
    As far as side effects go, I have had about two days where I felt tired, my appetite is normal (just make sure you take them after eating) and my menstrual cycle has lengthened (I don't mind that! ) and I have sore boobs. All of which are far more tolerable than how I felt prior to starting Pregab!
    It's worth a go, you can always start off on a tiny dose & build up gradually like I did (I had a bad reaction to ADs, so I was scared to try anything else!)

    ---------- Post added at 19:38 ---------- Previous post was at 17:45 ----------

    Just wanted to add, not sure if I'm allowed to post links here, but this is what gives me the incentive to keep up the exercise:
    Hope that article gives other people as much hope as it has given me!

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Sep 2011

    Re: My GP has suggested pregabalin

    Thanks everyone for the replies and thoughts! It's really good to get the info.

    I am back on the prozac now and I don't really get any side effects from it at all, which I guess is because I have taken it for so long! I think you just get used to them. But I already feel calmer about my body shape. So even if that's all it does I'll carry on. I can not and will not go back to my bulimic state of mind! It would be too awful to comtemplate!!

    Got to see my GP on 21st to review whether to trial the pregabalin but from what I read it does cause weight gain so I'm pretty much a no at this point. I guess it doesn't help that I found Mirtazapine for incredibly awful and now I too nervous to try anything else...

    Good luck everyone!


  9. #9
    Join Date
    Aug 2011

    Re: My GP has suggested pregabalin

    [QUOTE=WolfieKate;886202]Thanks everyone for the replies and thoughts! It's really good to get the info.

    I am back on the prozac now and I don't really get any side effects from it at all, which I guess is because I have taken it for so long! I think you just get used to them. But I already feel calmer about my body shape. So even if that's all it does I'll carry on. I can not and will not go back to my bulimic state of mind! It would be too awful to comtemplate!!

    Got to see my GP on 21st to review whether to trial the pregabalin but . I guess it doesn't help that

    Good luck everyone!

    Good luck to you too, as you find Prozac helps you.

    from what I read it does cause weight gain so I'm pretty much a no at this point
    Well, it does cause weight gain. As I am now getting more sample packs from my GP, but the weight gain is minimal to me.
    Compared to Zyprexa, Seroquel, Mirtazapine, .... Lyrica, I find it does cause weight gain, but to me it's it's very minimal, compared to those medications above.

    I found Mirtazapine for incredibly awful and now I too nervous to try anything else...
    I am on Mirtazapine 90mg at night. And yes, it's true as what you said.
    I got to get up from bed after about an hour after taking it, searching for carbs food.

    Kind regards,

  10. #10
    Join Date
    May 2010

    Re: My GP has suggested pregabalin

    Hi chaps

    For me the issue wasnt that it put weight on, it was the fact that I always felt hungry and because of this I had to find something to satisfied it. For me it was chocolate but I'm sure of you are disciplined and eat low fat things then it wont be as bad.
    Personally putting on some weight was a small price to pay for the effect of it. I also have a full diary on here it you want to read my journey!


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