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Thread: sertraline and anxiety ??? !!!

  1. #1

    Question sertraline and anxiety ??? !!!

    HI, I'm new too, I am 38 and am now very happy with my new partner and our children, been through a lot in the last 3 years and have been fine but just recently I've been SUFFERING with gad and panic for 5 weeks now this time. 15 months ago I came off paroxetine which I had taken on and off for about 3 years... they worked, no doubt about it. Anyway this time the doc gave me sertraline. The first week I felt really really bad then started to not feel quite so bad, by the 4th week I felt loads better, almost always had a really excitable feeling all the time ! Now I'm into my 5 th week and am feeling terrible again, really anxious and seem to have some twitching in my muscles which i'm telling myself would just be side affects but it's not very nice, also my jaw feels tight ! ( what a loon !! ) Would be great to talk to anyone that actually understands this terrible feeling of anxiety

  2. #2
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  3. #3
    Join Date
    Oct 2010

    Re: sertraline and anxiety ??? !!!

    Hi, I took Seroxat for 14 years and it helped me enormously until it stopped working for me. I'm now on sertraline. I found it took a long time, months as opposed to weeks to start working for me but sadly it doesn't seem to work as well as the Seroxat did. Give it a bit more time, if you still don't feel any better why not ask your doctor to put you back on Seroxat if it worked for you?

    Good Luck. x

  4. #4

    Re: sertraline and anxiety ??? !!!

    Quote Originally Posted by haz View Post
    Hi, I took Seroxat for 14 years and it helped me enormously until it stopped working for me. I'm now on sertraline. I found it took a long time, months as opposed to weeks to start working for me but sadly it doesn't seem to work as well as the Seroxat did. Give it a bit more time, if you still don't feel any better why not ask your doctor to put you back on Seroxat if it worked for you?

    Good Luck. x
    Thankyou for your reply, I will take your advice on that, the reason the doc advised sertraline instead of paroxetine was that I mentioned to him that we were thinking of trying for a baby ! but saying that I have since spoken to a friend of a friend who has just had a succesful pregnancy while taking paroxetine, so who knows really !! x

  5. #5

    Re: sertraline and anxiety ??? !!!

    I too was prescribed this but was for stress, only stress symptoms I had was morning headaches and tiredness, now am all over the place, anxious and panicky, can't eat, can't sleep, been on them 2 weeks now and was at doc today who told me to persevere with them :(( not sure I can take much more of this, feel worse than I did before them, I was on fluoxetine before and had no problems on them at all, not one side effect, not sure what to do, am off work now, been off 2 weeks and got another line for 2 weeks, has anyone had any good experience with them???

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Oct 2011

    Re: sertraline and anxiety ??? !!!

    i was on these for 8 weeks now off em i was sluggish when i started taking them regulary again after a month on lowest dose 50mg my anxiety got so bad it bought on my pure o as in ocd . iv now been off for 2 weeks , but can take a month to completly leave ya body , ocd n tiny bit of anxiety but no where near as much as i had on em!!
    you should only feel shitty for a week maybe 2 tops any gp will tel u that iv perservered with ssris and its always took me 6 months to get better and in all fairness id prob done that on me own steam !! dont put up with feeling worse peeps ween off if u are worse instead of better under the supervision of your doc. it s taken me 12 years to realise my own body and mind , and not too plod on suffering with this crap . takes guts to do it xx

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Sep 2010

    Re: sertraline and anxiety ??? !!!

    I have weaned myself off sertraline,I asked the gp first. I felt ok on them at first but I was having after effects after 10weeks, may be I should have taken them for longer. I don't know. The thing is I don't feel any better yet, I go out on my own a lot and the other day while shopping I felt as if my legs were caving in.
    It is so hard and don't know what to do for the best.
    My Gp who is very under standing said to go back to see her if need be.
    I take so much medication for other problems as well. I felt I was going to start ratterling. Take Care

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